Research and Data Analysis

In SRA, this category of services relates to the design, implementation, and dissemination of results of small-scale or population-based studies for evidence generation, and to inform, pre-test, monitor, and evaluate strategy design and interventions using a range of quantitative, qualitative, participatory, and triangulated methodologies and data collection techniques.

Typical Activities will include:
• Background and context analysis
• Developing and designing a detailed research plan and study design, including methodology, indicators, tools, techniques, underlying theoretical frameworks and assumptions, sampling approaches and assumptions, data collection mechanisms, means of verification, etc.
• Implementation of the research plan, including partnerships with local implementing partners
• Analysis of implications
• Review and dissemination of report of the findings

Sub-categories of services will include:
• Secondary data collection and analysis: systematic gathering and analysis of data or information as required from background documents and literature review.
• Operational research to assess trends and cost-effectiveness of SBC interventions
• Formative research to identify, understand and analyse the barriers, bottlenecks and potential motivators and enabling factors for behaviour and social change, including attitudes, values and norms, characteristics, interests, behaviours, and needs of participant target populations that influence the decisions and actions. This includes activities will include the psychosocial, cultural, and gendered analysis of the participant populations and identifying sociocultural factors in humanitarian settings.
• Design and conduct baseline research using a range of methodologies against which performance indicators are set.
• Partner and community mapping studies.
• Pre- and pilot-testing of strategy hypotheses, strategic approaches and positioning, creative concepts, messages, and materials, including motivational triggers and behavioural insights research.
• The audience, media, and communication channel analysis, including social and digital media, and channel reach, access, utilisation, outcome, and impact to understand trends for planning and forecasting.
• Monitoring: periodic tracking and assessment of the critical elements (effectiveness and efficiency) of programme/project performance, usually inputs, outputs, and outcomes, through record-keeping, regular reporting and surveillance systems using SBC indicators agreed with the commissioning office.
• Evaluation: Systemic assessment of multilevel results, including impact and the performance of the programme/project.