# | Topic |
1 | Role of higher education in peace building, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
2 | The impact of education discrimination on students’ performance in public schools in Mogadishu- Somalia. |
3 | Influence of school environment on academic performance of secondary school students in Wabari district, Mogadishu-Somalia. |
4 | Assessing students’ satisfaction of specialization and their academic performance. Case study faculty of education and social sciences at Somali national university, Mogadishu-Somalia. |
5 | Impact of drought on livestock production in Afgoye district, lower Shabelle-Somalia. |
6 | Comparative study of water quality assessment for selected boreholes inside and outside of Mogadishu- Somalia. |
7 | Effects of floods on farmer’s livelihood in afgoye lower shabelle region. |
8 | The influence of proposes juliflora on farmland and rangeland in baladwayne, hiran- Somalia. |
9 | Challenges facing teachers in utilizing instructional recourses when teaching mathematics in public secondary schools in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
10 | Effect of level of using instructional materials (ims) in teaching mathematics on the student performance in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
11 | The effect of absenteeism on students’ achievement at the faculty of education of Somali national university in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
12 | Factors affecting choice of future specialty among faculty of education students at Somali national university. |
13 | The influence of curriculum quality on the academic performance of public primary schools in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
14 | Effects of online games on academic performance among grade 12 wiil waal public secondary school students in boondheere, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
15 | A study on diffie-hellman key agreement protocol in public key cryptography. |
16 | Statistical analysis of household energy consumption in Mogadishu city. |
17 | Derivation of low-dimensional over finite field leibniz algebras. |
18 | Designing and contracting simple model of micro hydropower system. |
19 | Statistical analysis of electrical production on privet companies in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
20 | Socio-economic effects of illiteracy on Somalia women in howlwadaag district in Mogadishu-Somalia. |
21 | Factors that cause dropout of secondary students at holwadag district schools in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
22 | Factors contributing to malnutrition among children under five years old: case study at hodan district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
23 | Solid waste disposal practices among hamarwayne district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
24 | Factors influencing female students’ dropout rates in secondary schools in hodan and hamarweyne districts, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
25 | The effect of unqualified teachers on the performance of secondary students in some selected schools in howlwadaag district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
26 | Factors influencing online (e-learning) in Mogadishu, Somalia: case study – Mogadishu university and horsed university. |
27 | Effects of overcrowded classrooms on teacher-student interaction: case study – some selected schools in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
28 | Primary school students’ educational challenges in karan district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
29 | Factors contributing to fewer female teachers in secondary schools. |
30 | The impact of instructional materials in teaching and learning biology in secondary schools: case study – hodan district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
31 | The effect of civil war on public secondary schools: case study – some selected public schools in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
32 | Challenges of educational policy on primary and secondary schools in Mogadishu, Somalia: case study – some selected public schools and the ministry of education, culture, and higher education in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
33 | Factors affecting participation in girls’ education in secondary schools in shibis district. |
34 | Influence of parental involvement on academic achievement of secondary school students in warta-nabada district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
35 | Effects of stress on student academic performance: case study – some selected secondary schools in yaqshid district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
36 | The role of family structure on students’ academic performance in public and private secondary schools: case study – karan district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
37 | The influence of job satisfaction on teachers’ performance: case study – some selected public secondary schools in warta-nabada district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
38 | Exploring the impact of bullying on primary school children: case study – Somali children students in howlwadaag district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
39 | Factors contributing to dropout rates at secondary schools among teenage girls in some selected schools in bondhere district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
40 | Influences of single parents on their children’s academic achievement: case study – some secondary schools in bondhere district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
41 | The impact of facebook usage on student academic performance at the faculty of education and social sciences, Somali national university. |
42 | Relationship between socioeconomic status and academic performance of secondary school students in deyniile district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
43 | Factors influencing girls’ poor academic performance in some secondary schools in karan district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
44 | Factors influencing students’ performance in chemistry: case study – some secondary schools in howlwadaag district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
45 | Causes of low levels of chemistry knowledge and their effect on performance in secondary schools: case study – Wadair district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
46 | Factors influencing students’ academic performance in the Somalia certificate secondary examination: case study – dharkeynley district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
47 | The relationship between teacher motivation and students’ academic performance in some selected public secondary schools in bondhere district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
48 | Effect of social media on students’ performance at Somalia national university, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
49 | The effect of civil war on the education system at Somalia national university in benadir region, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
50 | The influence of the learning environment on students’ academic performance in some secondary schools in yaqshid district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
51 | The role of school discipline on students’ academic performance in some selected public primary schools: case study – bondhere district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
52 | On inner derivation of leibniz algebras. |
53 | Students’ perceptions about their teachers’ class management and its effect on student performance in public secondary schools in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
54 | On proper integral and its applications. |
55 | On solving differential equations using power series. |
56 | Study of bessel functions using power series. |
57 | Optical instruments (e.g., telescope or periscope). |
58 | Wave behavior and its interactions. |
59 | Energy sources for cooking among snu students’ families and its determinants, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
60 | The perceptions of institutional staff on performance appraisal at Somali national university, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
61 | The influence of public awareness on solid waste management. |
62 | The effect of depression among students in the faculty of education and social sciences at Somali national university, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
63 | Quality assessment of some selected water boreholes in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
64 | The influence of plastics on human health and the environment at karan district in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
65 | The knowledge and attitude towards air pollution among Somali national university students, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
66 | The influence of drug abuse on students’ academic performance in secondary schools in hawl-wadaag district. |
67 | Factors affecting participation of girls in education in secondary schools in shibis district. |
68 | The strategic role of improving English language skills on students’ performance. |
69 | The role of Somali orthography in preserving prose and poetry. |
70 | Arta reconciliation conference and rebuilding the Somali state. |
71 | The impact of English learning on the mother tongue in some selected schools in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
72 | The impact of discipline on students’ academic performance in secondary schools in hawl-wadag district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
73 | Knowledge and attitude towards the effect of greenhouse gas emissions on the environment in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
74 | The factors influencing the development of secondary school curriculum in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
75 | The impact of lack of functional drainage systems on roads in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
76 | The effect of parental education background on students’ academic performance in hodon district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
77 | Causes of female students’ dropout in secondary schools in bondheere district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
78 | The effect of English grammar learning on developing students’ writing skills in private universities in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
79 | Challenges of Somali federalism. |
80 | The impact of learning English as a second language on students’ academic performance in selected universities in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
81 | Factors influencing low academic performance in English among students in public secondary schools in howlwadaag district, Mogadishu, Somalia. |
82 | Factors affecting the attitude of students towards learning English in secondary schools in Wadair district. |
83 | Challenges faced by secondary students learning science through the English language. |
84 | Comparison and contrast of themes from “crocked rib noel” and “desert flower” novels. |
85 | Simple method of proving the gravity force using free falling. |
86 | The effect of a principal’s leadership styles on students’ academic performance in public secondary schools in waabari, Mogadishu-Somalia. |
87 | The inner derivation of five and six dimensional leibniz algebras. |
88 | Application of linear algebra: exploring the use of matrices in cryptography (hill cipher). |
89 | The status of psychological wellbeing of students in public high schools at Howlwadag district, Mogadishu-Somalia. |
90 | The level of using instructional materials (ims) in teaching mathematics in public schools in Mogadishu-Somalia. |
91 | Teaching and learning primary mathematics in Somali language: opportunities and challenges for public and private schools in hamar-weyne district, Mogadishu-Somalia. |
92 | The efficiency of alternative energy in providing necessary energy for Somali communities. |
93 | Effect of early marriage on girls’ performance in education at abudwak district, Somalia. |
94 | Influence of teacher motivation on students’ academic performance in secondary schools in abudwak district, Somalia. |
95 | The impact of school quality on students’ academic performance in private schools in abudwak district. |
96 | Effect of social media on students’ academic performance at Somali national university-gm in abudwak district. |
97 | The common challenges facing chemistry teachers and their impact on students in secondary schools in abudwak district. |
98 | The knowledge, attitude, and practice towards modern contraceptives among mothers in idp camps in hodan district, Mogadishu-Somalia. |
99 | The knowledge, attitude, and practice towards solid waste management among Somali national university students in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
100 | Effects of classroom size on academic performance of public secondary school students in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
101 | Factors contributing to parental refusal of vaccination for their children in benadir region, Somalia. |
102 | Assessment of water quality in selected boreholes in Wadair and Daynile districts. |
103 | The impact of the covid-19 pandemic on education in schools in Wadair district, Mogadishu-Somalia. |
104 | Harmful effects of food additives and preservatives in selected foods and beverages on human health in Mogadishu, Somalia. |
105 | The impact of the curriculum on students’ academic achievements in secondary schools in warta nabada district, Mogadishu-Somalia. |