These thesis titles have already been graduated in UNISO. The aim is to avoid unintentional replication . The list is organized by the Somali Researchers Association (SRA)
# | List of Topics | Technology |
1 | Student Registration Application | Android |
2 | Online Dry Lemon Management System (soman) | PHP/MYSQL |
3 | Online Car Seller Management System | ASP.NET /SQL |
4 | Mobile Dictionary Application | Android |
5 | Basic Islamic Quiz System | Android |
6 | Eye – Care Management System | VB.NET/SQL |
7 | Ii Haay Mobile Application | Android |
8 | Ant – Theft Mobile Application | Android |
9 | Mobile Expenses Analyzer | Android |
10 | Public Relationship For Million System | ASP.NET |
11 | Rehabilitation Management System | C#/SQL |
12 | Sports News Mobile Application | Android |
13 | Online Agriculture Machinery Service | ASP.NET/SQL |
14 | Customer Complaint System | Android |
15 | Player Club Quiz | Android |
16 | Mobile Quran Application | Android |
17 | Citizen Registration System | Android |
18 | Airport Management System | Java / SQL |
19 | Personal Task Manager | Android |
20 | Online Birth and Death Registration For of (Banadir Region) | PHP/MYSQL |
21 | Online Futsal Management System | ASP.NET/SQL |
22 | Online Seles Refurbished Management System For Electronics | ASP.NET/SQL |
23 | Somali Livestock Export Management System | VB.NET/SQL |
24 | Online Air Ticket Booking Management System | ASP.NET/SQL |
25 | Online Inventory Management System (Hass Petroleum) | ASP.NET/SQL |
26 | Orphan Management System | C# / SQL |
27 | Mobile Voting System | Android |
28 | Online Sales & Repairing For Solar Electronic Power System | ASP.NET/SQL |
29 | Match Making Management System Using Android Application | Android |
30 | Online ICT Sales Software’s Management System | ASP.NET/SQL |
31 | Online Vehicle Booking Management System | ASP.NET/SQL |
32 | Laundry Management System | VB.NET/SQL |
33 | Vehicle Traffic Management System | Android |
34 | Online Digital TV Card Control System | ASP.NET/SQL |
35 | Online Street Building Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
36 | Online Barber Management System | ASP.NET/SQL |
37 | Online Health Status Recommendation System | PHP/MYSQL |
38 | Gas Agency Management System | Android |
39 | Hotel Management System | C#/SQL |
40 | Online Laboratory Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
41 | Online CV Builder Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
42 | Sales Management System (SAFI Honey) | C#/MYSQL |
43 | Boat Rental Reservation Management System | VB/SQL |
44 | Online Tailor Management System (Mogdishu Tailor) | PHP/MYSQL |
45 | Online Car Wash Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
46 | Sales Management System For Traditional Culture | C#/SQL |
47 | Petrol Station Management System | C#/SQL |
48 | Somali Navy Management System | C#/SQL |
49 | Apartment Rental Management System | C#/SQL |
50 | Dynamic Multi Point (IBS) | GNS3 |
51 | District Civil Registration Management System | C#/SQL |
52 | Online Work shift Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
53 | Online Guest House Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
54 | Distributor Management System for Tians Group Com. | C#/SQL |
55 | Land Border Control MS | PHP/MYSQL |
56 | Online ZOO Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
57 | Online GYM Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
58 | Online Somali Culture registration Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
59 | Online House Selling Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
60 | Immigration Information Management System | C#/SQL |
61 | Online Employee Retirement Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
62 | Online Inventory Management System (Shakir Form Factor) | PHP/MYSQL |
63 | Online Domain Registration Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
64 | Online Inventory Management System (Somane Bajaj Com) | PHP/MYSQL |
65 | Driving School Management System (Somali Driving & Traffic School) | PHP/MYSQL |
66 | Online Sales Construction Material Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
67 | Blood Bank Management System | C#/SQL |
68 | Sales Management System (Shakir Tire Company) | C#/SQL |
69 | Online Alumni Information Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
70 | Online Khat Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
71 | Online House Taxation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
72 | Staff Leave Management System | C#/SQL |
73 | Sales Management System (Mogdishu Fishing Company) | VB/SQL |
74 | IPV6 Tunneling Over IPV4 Network (Dual-Stack) | GNS3 |
75 | Charcoal Export Management System | VB/SQL |
76 | Online Student Recommendation Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
77 | Online Cyber Café Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
78 | Online Sales Management System (Xamar Boats Company) | PHP/MYSQL |
79 | Online Cloud Storage System | PHP/MYSQL |
80 | Online Bill Payment MS (BECO Company) | JSP/MYSQL |
81 | Inter VLAN for UNISO Department | GNS3 |
82 | Online Sesame Delivery Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
83 | Online Airport Taxation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
84 | Bus Reservation Management System | C#/SQL |
85 | Online Computer LAB Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
86 | Online Import Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
87 | Online Staff Leave Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
88 | Online Seaport Taxation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
89 | Online Car Rental Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
90 | Online Hospital Staff Management System | ASP/SQL |
91 | Online Weapon Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
92 | Online Logistic Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
93 | Online Cosmetics Shopping Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
94 | Online NGO’s Management System | ASP/SQL |
95 | Banana Delivery Management System | C#/SQL |
96 | Online Mailing System (UNISO) | JSP/MYSQL |
97 | D I D Services Provider (UNITEL Telecommunication) | VB/SQL |
98 | Online Student Feedback Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
99 | Online Life Insurance Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
100 | Mobile Application for Smart Restaurant (Alpha Rest ) | Android |
101 | Online Event Management System (7 Star) | ASP/SQL |
102 | Online Mobile Team Assistant Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
103 | Hotel Reservation Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
104 | Refugee Management System | C#/SQL |
105 | Restaurant Management System | C#/SQL |
106 | Online Charcoal Export Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
107 | GYM Management System | Android |
108 | Online Lecturer Support System | PHP/MYSQL |
109 | Car Plate Management System (Ministry of Finance) | C#/MYSQL |
110 | Sales Management System (Bar Ubax Bakery Company) | C#/SQL |
111 | Online National Identity Registration Management System | ASP/SQL |
112 | Remittance Management System | VB/SQL |
113 | Online Course Material Distribution Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
114 | Online Beauty Salon Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
115 | Online Refugee Resettlement Management System | PHP & MYSQL |
116 | Online Lecturer Attendance Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
117 | Online Notary Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
118 | Online Vehicle insurance Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
119 | Online Customer Care Information System (Mog Cable) | PHP/MYSQL |
120 | Online Theatre Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
121 | Online Un-employment Record Information System | PHP/SQL |
122 | Sesame Delivery Management System | C#/SQL |
123 | Online Post and Cargo Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
124 | Online Dry Milk Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
125 | Budget Planning and Controlling Management System | C#/SQL |
126 | Online Student Registration Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
127 | Online Kinder Garden Management System | ASP/SQL |
128 | Garden Management System (Berta Xuriyadda) | C#/SQL |
129 | Online Khuruj Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
130 | Poultry Management System (Somali Poultry) | C#/SQL |
131 | Online Appointment Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
132 | Online Rehabilitation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
133 | VLAN Inter Connectivity | Packet Tracer |
134 | Online Ultrasound Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
135 | Online Fundraising Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
136 | Air force information System | C#/SQL |
137 | Online Blood Donation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
138 | Payroll Management System | C#/SQL |
139 | Mobile App For UNISO Admission | Android |
140 | Online Vaccination Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
141 | Online Auto generate Scheduling Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
142 | Nutrition Management System (WFP) | C#/SQL |
143 | Online Motion Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
144 | Online Graduation Projects Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
145 | Online Football Club Information System (LLPP Janyo) | JSP/MYSQL |
146 | Online Sales Management System (Bader Computer) | JSP/MYSQL |
147 | Online Gas Agency Management System (Som Gas Comp) | JSP/MYSQL |
148 | Online Somali Senator Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
149 | Social Network Site For UNISO | JSP/MYSQL |
150 | Online Refugee Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
151 | Online Remittance Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
152 | Online Hygiene Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
153 | Online Second Hand Books Selling Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
154 | Online Campus Management System (OGR Campus) | PHP/MYSQL |
155 | Online Slaughter House Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
156 | Securing Dahabshil Bank Branches with VPN | Pack Tracer |
157 | Online Hotel Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
158 | Online Traditional Culture Management System | JSP/SQL |
159 | Online Airline Reservation Management System | ASP/SQL |
160 | Online Examination Result Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
161 | Online Somali National Army Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
162 | Online Parking Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
163 | Sales Management System (Somali Checking) | C#/SQL |
164 | Studio Management System | C#/SQL |
165 | Online Library Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
166 | Online Hostel Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
167 | Online Habeeb Mental Health Center MS | PHP/MYSQL |
168 | Jenyo Club Information System | Android |
169 | Online Auto Spare parts Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
170 | Online Human Resource Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
171 | Online Student Attendance Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
172 | Online Murabaha of Different Bank Customer Info. System | PHP/MYSQL |
173 | Online Drug Information Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
174 | Online Inventory Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
175 | National Identity Registration information System | C#/SQL |
176 | Car Accident Information Management (Fisha Trafiic) | C#/MYSQL |
177 | Examination Result Information System | Android |
178 | Online Livestock Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
179 | Stadium Management System | C#/SQL |
180 | Online Schools Supervision Information System (FPNS) | PHP/MYSQL |
181 | Sales Management System (Horyal Ice Cream) | C#/SQL |
182 | Online Eye-Car Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
183 | Money Exchange Information System | Android |
184 | Car Seller Management System | C#/SQL |
185 | Online Garage Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
186 | Bakery Management System | Android |
187 | Online Personal Holiday Planning Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
188 | Kinder garden Management System | C#/SQL |
189 | Online Student Depression Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
190 | Online Internet Service Provider MS For Globel Internet | PHP/MYSQL |
191 | Online Personal Expense Trucking Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
192 | Online Som Printing Information Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
193 | Zakat Calculation Management System | Android |
194 | Online Student Union Performance Appraisal MS | PHP/MYSQL |
195 | Course Evaluation Management System | Android |
196 | Online Payroll Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
197 | Real Estate Management System | C#/SQL |
198 | Online Police Registration Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
199 | CV Builder Information System | Android |
200 | Online Complain Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
201 | Online Boat Rental Reservation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
202 | Mobile Car Rental Information Application | Android |
203 | Online civil labor information System | PHP/MYSQL |
204 | Online Outpatient Department MS | PHP/MYSQL |
205 | Crime Record Management System | C#/SQL |
206 | Mobile Traffic Information Application | Android |
207 | Mobile Hotel Reservation Management System | Android |
208 | Inpatient Department MS (Bendir Hospital) | C#/SQL |
209 | Air Ticket Booking Application | Android |
210 | Online Court Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
211 | Mobile Blood Bank Information System | Android |
212 | Lecturer Attendance Information System | Android |
213 | Small Business Network Design with Secure E-commerce server | GNS3 |
214 | Online Lecturer Evaluation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
215 | Mobile Inventory Tracker information Application | Android |
216 | Rental House Management System | C#/SQL |
217 | Online Dental Clinic Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
218 | Online Civil Registration Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
219 | Mobile Laboratory Information Application | Android |
220 | Mobile File Transfer Application | Android |
221 | Online Medical store Management System | JSP/Mysql |
222 | Mobile InPatient Tracker Information Application | Android |
223 | Sales MS For Medical Equipment | C#/SQL |
224 | Mobile Faculty Portal With Graphical Reporting | Android |
225 | Online House Building Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
226 | Online Survey School Management System (SAFE) | JSP/MYSQL |
227 | Car Rental Management System | C#/SQL |
228 | Online Prison Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
229 | Alumni Information System | Android |
230 | Mobile Crime Report Management System | Android |
231 | Mobile Bluetooth Chatting Application | Android |
232 | Mobile Electric Bill Payment Application | Android |
233 | Online Air force information System | PHP/MYSQL |
234 | Mobile Car Parking Booking Management System | Android |
235 | Online Radio Program Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
236 | Mobile Customer Relationship Management System | Android |
237 | Mobile Hotel Reservation Management Application | Android |
238 | Online Education Care Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
239 | Online Personal Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
240 | Mobile Food Ordering Application | Android |
241 | Mobile Tour & Travel Agency Application | Android |
242 | Mobile Smart Health Consultant Application | Android |
243 | Online Food Ordering Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
244 | Mobile Vehicle Booking Application | Android |
245 | Online Barber Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
246 | Mobile Cosmetic Shopping Management System | Android |
247 | Mobile PC chatting & image sharing application | Android |
248 | Online Banana Delivery Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
249 | E-Learning System For UNISO | JSP/MYSQL |
250 | Student Faculty Document Sharing Application | Android |
251 | Online Stationary Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
252 | Mobile Call Blocking Application | Android |
253 | Online Sales Management System For Medical Equipment | PHP/MYSQL |
254 | Online Task Manager Application | ASP.NET/SQL |
255 | Mobile Radio Program Management System | Android |
256 | Online Hygiene MS For Hodan District | JSP/MYSQL |
257 | Mobile Sales Furniture MS For Kaba-Qori Company | ANDROID |
258 | Online Mogadishu Security Info. Sharing System For Ministry of Security | PHP/MYSQL |
259 | Mobile Cash Control Management System | ANDROID |
260 | Online School Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
261 | Online Sales & Repairing MS for Kamil Computer Company | JSP/MYSQL |
262 | Online TV Content Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
263 | Refugee Resettlement Managements System | JAVA/MYSQL |
264 | Mobile Smart Gift Delivery Management System | ANDROID |
265 | Online Schools Supervision Info. System For SAFE | JSP/MYSQL |
266 | Mobile Logistic Information Management System | ANDROID |
267 | Online Internet Service Provider MS for DELCOM | JSP/MYSQL |
268 | Online Distributor Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
269 | Mobile Smart Student Consultant Management System | ANDROID |
270 | Mobile Somali Football League Information System | ANDROID |
271 | Online Post Office MS for Delta Experts | JSP/MYSQL |
272 | Online Loan Management System (SALAM BANK) | JSP/MYSQL |
273 | Online Hall Event Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
274 | Online Traffic Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
275 | Online Electric Billing Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
276 | Online Auto Generate Scheduling Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
277 | Online Civil Labor Info. System for Ministry of Labor & employment | JSP/MYSQL |
278 | Online Hospital Staff Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
279 | Online Stadium Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
280 | Online Hotel Reservation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
281 | Online Bricks Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
282 | Mobile Life Insurance Management System | ANDROID |
283 | Mobile Petrol Station Management System | ANDROID |
284 | Online Rehabilitation Management System | JSP/MYQSL |
285 | Online appointment Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
286 | Online Cash Payment MS For Tawakal Express | JSP/MYSQL |
287 | Mobile Livestock Export Management System | ANDROID |
288 | Mobile Building House Management System | ANDROID |
289 | Mobile Immigration Info. Management System | ANDROID |
290 | Mobile Asset Management System For UNISO | ANDROID |
291 | Mobile Smart Drug Information Management System | ANDROID |
292 | Online House Rental Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
293 | Online Electric Management System Blue Sky Company | PHP/MYSQL |
294 | Online Criminal Investigation Tracker with Suspect prediction | PHP/MYSQL |
295 | Online Employee Recruiting Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
296 | Online Sales MS For Salim Stationary Company | PHP/MYSQL |
297 | Online Scholarship MS for UNISO | JSP/MYSQL |
298 | Online Land Distribution Info. System for Ministry of interior | PHP/MYSQL |
299 | Online Ultrasound Department Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
300 | Online Somali National Army MS for Ministry of Defense | JSP/MYSQL |
301 | Online Radio Program Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
302 | Online Resettlement Info. System For UNISO Employees | JSP/MYSQL |
303 | Mobile Fuel Station Management System | ANDROID |
304 | E- Courier & Delivery System | JSP/MYSQL |
305 | Online Sales Construction Material Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
306 | Agriculture Information MS for Ministry of Agriculture | C#/SQL |
307 | Online Beauty Salon MS for Farhiya Huno Beauty Salon | JSP/MYSQL |
308 | Online Sales MS for Mogadishu Fishing Company | JSP/MYSQL |
309 | Mobile Refugee Management System | ANDROID |
310 | Mobile Barber Management System | ANDROID |
311 | Online Employee Retirement Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
312 | E-Election Association For UNISOSU | JSP/MYSQL |
313 | Online Nutrition Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
314 | Online Cyber cafe MS for SOMNET | JSP/MYSQL |
315 | Online Job Vacancy Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
316 | Online Sales MS For Horyal ICE –Cream | PHP/MYSQL |
317 | Mobile House Rental Management System | ANDROID |
318 | Wedding Planning Information System | C#/SQL |
319 | Online Sales Furniture Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
320 | Drug Information Management System | C#/SQL |
321 | Spare parts Management System | C#/SQL |
322 | E – Gift Delivery System | JSP/MYSQL |
323 | Online Customer Care Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
324 | Online Marketing Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
325 | Online Seaport Taxation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
326 | Online Employee Vacation MS for UNISO HR Department | JSP/MYSQL |
327 | Online Smart Doctor for Polio Diseases | JSP/MYSQL |
328 | Online child Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
329 | Mobile Notary Management System | ANDROID |
330 | Mobile Event Management System | ANDROID |
331 | Online UNISO Discussion Forum | JSP/MYSQL |
332 | Mobile Internet Service Provide Management System | ANDROID |
333 | UNISO Employee Vacation Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
334 | Online UNISO Student Affairs MS | PHP/MYSQL |
335 | Online House Building Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
336 | Online Movie Ticket Booking Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
337 | Online Somali Plastic Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
338 | Mobile Loan Management System for Amal Bank | ANDROID |
339 | Mobile Library Management System | ANDROID |
340 | Online Bio-Lingual Library System | JSP/MYSQL |
341 | Mobile Smart Election For UNISO Student Union | ANDROID |
342 | Online Inventory MS For Medical Equipment | PHP/MYSQL |
343 | Online Airline Reservation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
344 | Cosmetics Shopping MS | C#/SQL |
345 | Mobile Child Monitoring System | ANDROID |
346 | Online Ambulance Service Provider Info. System | PHP/MYSQL |
347 | Online Conference Information MS | JSP/MYSQL |
348 | Online student Recommendation info. System | JSP/MYSQL |
349 | Online Sales MS For SAFI Honey Company | JSP/MYSQL |
350 | Online Sales MS for Traditional Culture | JSP/MYSQL |
351 | Online Test Bank Management System For CS | PHP/MYSQL |
352 | Online Medical store Management System | JSP/Mysql |
353 | Online Airplane Reservation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
354 | Mobile Crime Report & Missing Person Finder | ANDROID |
355 | Mobile orphan Management System | ANDROID |
356 | Mobile Post & Cargo Management System | ANDROID |
357 | Online Tailor Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
358 | Online Sales MS ( darura Jawlery ) | JSP/MYSQL |
359 | Online Studio Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
360 | Online Budget planning & Controlling MS | JSP/MYSQL |
361 | Online Immigration Info. System | JSP/MYSQL |
362 | Mobile Boat Crossing Game Application | ANDROID |
363 | Online Student Discipline Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
364 | Mobile Smart City Traveler | ANDROID |
365 | Airplane Reservation MS | C#/SQL |
366 | Online Task Manager System | JSP/MYSQL |
367 | Ambulance Service Provider Information System | C#/SQL |
368 | Mobile Hajj Guiding System | ANDROID |
369 | Online Lecturer Support System | JSP/MYSQL |
370 | Sales MS For Medical Equipment | C#/SQL |
371 | Online Banking Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
372 | Mobile Video Encryption and Sharing Application | ANDROID |
373 | Online Life Insurance Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
374 | Online Real Estate Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
375 | Online Finance Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
376 | Mobile Driving School Ms For Mogadishu Driving & Traffic | ANDROID |
377 | Mobile Car Accident Management System | ANDROID |
378 | Online Car Wash Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
379 | Mobile Stadium Management System | ANDROID |
380 | Mobile Bank Investment Management System | ANDROID |
381 | Online Zakat Calculation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
382 | Inventory MS (Bader Electronic Company) | JAVA/MYSQL |
383 | Healthcare Provider Information System for MCH | C#/SQL |
384 | Mobile Water Supply Management System | ANDROID |
385 | Bank Management System | C#/SQL |
386 | Mobile Book Store Information System | ANDRIOD |
387 | Online Weapon MS For Ministry of Defense | JSP/MYSQL |
388 | Online Student Consultation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
389 | Online Export charcoal Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
390 | Online sport MS for UNISO Faculties | PHP/MYSQL |
391 | Online House Taxation MS For Ministry of Finance | JSP/MYSQL |
392 | Mobile Blood Donation Management System | ANDRIOD |
393 | Online traditional Herbal Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
394 | Online Personal Holiday Planning Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
395 | Mobile UNISO Student Complain Management System | ANDROID |
396 | Online Police Community Relationship MS | PHP/MYSQL |
397 | Mobile Dental Clinic Management System | ANDROID |
398 | Agriculture Machinery Service Management System | C#/SQL |
399 | Mobile Customer Care Information System | ANDROID |
400 | Electric Management System for Mogadishu Power Supply | C#/SQL |
401 | Online Asset Management System for UNISO | JSP/MYSQL |
402 | Online Sales MS For Somali Plastic Factory | PHP/MYSQL |
403 | Online Staff Housing Management System for UNISO | JSP/MYSQL |
404 | Garden Management System For the Freedom of Garden | C#/SQL |
405 | Mobile Smart Job Vacancy Management System | ANDROID |
406 | Mobile Inventory Tracker MS | ANDRIOD |
407 | Online Dry Lemon MS For Dayah Company | JSP/MYSQL |
408 | Online Tomato Delivery Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
409 | Mobile School Bus Tracking Information System | ANDROID |
410 | Court Information Management System | C#/SQL |
411 | Mobile Business Directory Information System | ANDROID |
412 | Mobile Graduation project Management System For CS | ANDROID |
413 | Mobile Smart Bus Ticket Information System | ANDROID |
415 | Online Bank Investment Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
416 | Online Air Force MS for Ministry of Defense | JSP/MYSQL |
417 | Mobile Education Care Information System | ANDROID |
418 | Mobile Hostel Management System | ANDROID |
419 | Online Poultry MS for Somali Poultry Company | JSP/MYSQL |
420 | Library Management System For UNISO | C#/SQL |
421 | Online X-ray Dep. Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
422 | Online Somali Navy Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
423 | Online Health care Service Provider for MCH | PHP/MYSQL |
424 | E-Voting System for Somali Parliament | JSP/MYSQL |
425 | Online ICT Sales Software Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
426 | Online Garden MS for the Freedom of Garden | PHP/MYSQL |
427 | Online Disaster MS for Ministry of Disaster | PHP/MYSQL |
428 | Mobile Student Attendance Management System | ANDROID |
429 | Online Theatre MS For Mogadishu City Theatre | JSP/MYSQL |
430 | Online Personal Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
431 | Employee Training Tracking Management System | C#/SQL |
432 | Online UNISO Employee Recruiting Managements System | PHP/MYSQL |
433 | Online Petrol Station Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
434 | ZOO Management System | C#/SQL |
435 | Online Apartment Rental Management System | ASP.NET/SQL |
436 | Online Notary Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
437 | Online Nutrition Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
438 | Online Boat Rental Reservation Management System | ASP.NET/SQL |
439 | Mobile Second Hand Book Selling Management System | ANDROID |
440 | Online Water Supply Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
441 | Fundraising Management System | C#/SQL |
442 | Mobile Seaport MS for Ministry of Port | ANDROID |
443 | Online Blood Bank Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
444 | Online Tourism Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
445 | Mobile Prison MS For Central prison in Somalia | ANDROID |
446 | E-Health (Online Consultation & Medical Subscription MS) | PHP/MYSQL |
447 | Futsal Management System | C#/SQL |
448 | Mobile Vehicle Insurance MS For Ministry of Finance | ANDROID |
449 | Online Car Plate Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
450 | Mobile Appointment Management System | ANDROID |
451 | Online Airport Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
452 | Online Money Ex-change Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
453 | Online Sales Mineral Water Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
454 | Online Driving School Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
455 | Online Course Allocation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
456 | Online Orphan Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
457 | Online Lost & found People MS for Mogadishu City | JSP/MYSQL |
458 | Mobile Employee Tracker Information System | ANDROID |
459 | Online Crime Report Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
460 | Online Smart Doctor For Ophthalmological diseases | JSP/MYSQL |
461 | Mobile Garage Management System | ANDROID |
462 | Online Sales Management System for Electronics | JSP/MYSQL |
463 | Online Eye care MS for Siman Eye Hospital | JSP/MYSQL |
464 | Online Refugee Resettlement Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
465 | Online Sales Management System For Al Medina Supermarket | JSP/MYSQL |
466 | Online Auction Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
467 | Online Job Portal Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
468 | Examination Result Explorer | C#/ SQL |
469 | Online Bus Reservation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
470 | Online Advertisement for NOR Sign | JSP/MYSQL |
471 | Online GYM Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
472 | Construction Management System For Al Buruj Company | C#/SQL |
473 | Online Kinder garden Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
474 | Online Sales Management System (A to Z Sports Company) | PHP/MYSQL |
475 | Online Banana Delivery Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
476 | Mobile Nutrition Management System | ANDROID |
477 | Mobile Sales MS for Mogadishu Fishing Company | ANDROID |
478 | Mobile Tailor MS For Mogadishu International Tailor | ANDROID |
479 | Online Court Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
480 | Mobile Hygiene MS For Wadajir District | ANDROID |
481 | Online X-ray Department Information MS | JSP/MYSQL |
482 | Online Immunization Information MS | PHP/MYSQL |
483 | Online Somali Navy Information MS | JSP/MYSQL |
484 | Online Education Umbrella Info. Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
485 | Online Knowledge Sharing Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
486 | Online NGO’s Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
487 | Online File Sharing Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
488 | Online Logistic Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
489 | Online Apartment Rental Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
490 | Online Traffic Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
491 | Online Campus Management System (KM4 Campus) | JSP/MYSQL |
492 | Online Seles Refurbished Management System For Electronics | JSP/MYSQL |
493 | Online Sesame Delivery Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
494 | Online glossary Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
495 | Mobile Campus Management System | Android |
496 | Mobile Lecturer Supporting System | Android |
497 | Mobile Cosmetics Shopping MS | Android |
498 | Online Course Material Distribution System | JSP/MYSQL |
499 | Mobile Discussion forum Application | Android |
500 | Online Travel Agency Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
501 | Mobile Personal Information System | Android |
502 | Online School Roster Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
503 | Online Employee Vacation MS for UNISO HR Department | PHP/MYSQL |
504 | Mobile Banana Delivery Management System | Android |
505 | Mobile House Taxation Management System | Android |
506 | Mobile Ambulance Service Provider info System | Android |
507 | Mobile Tomato Delivery Management System | Android |
508 | E-visa Processing and follow up System | PHP/MYSQL |
509 | Mobile Human Resource Information System | Android |
510 | Online Futsal Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
511 | Online Doctor Appointment Booking System | PHP/MYSQL |
512 | Mobile Budget Planning and Controlling System | Android |
513 | Mobile E-Voting System | Android |
514 | Online Fundraising Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
515 | Mobile Student Recommendation MS | Android |
516 | Online Loan Application and Verification System | JSP/MYSQL |
517 | Mobile Refugee Resettlement MS | Android |
518 | Mobile Auction Management System | Android |
519 | Mobile Airplane Reservation MS | Android |
520 | Online Wedding Planning information System | JSP/MYSQL |
521 | Online Education Magazine info Sys for FPENS | JSP/MYSQL |
522 | Mobile School Supervision info System | Android |
523 | Mobile Theatre Booking Application | Android |
524 | Online Parking Booking System | JSP/MYSQL |
525 | Mobile Scholarship MS for UNISO | Android |
526 | Mobile Employee Recruitment Application | Android |
527 | Online Wedding Planning Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
528 | E-Learing Platform using Cloud Computing | JSP/MYSQL |
529 | E-Student’s Training and Placement Application | PHP/MYSQL |
530 | E-Health (Online Consultation & Medical Subscription MS) | JSP/MYSQL |
531 | Online Automated Faculty Time Table Generation Application | JSP/MYSQL |
532 | E-Project Planning Application | PHP/MYSQL |
533 | E-Shopping Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
534 | Mobile Advertisement Management System | Android |
535 | Event Management System for Peace House Hotel | C#/MSSQL |
536 | Online Zoo Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
537 | Lecturer Evaluation Management System | C#/MSSQL |
538 | Online Customer Complaint Info Sys | JSP/MYSQL |
539 | Design and Implementation of an Online laundry management system | JSP/MYSQL |
540 | Development of Online Car Accident Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
541 | Design and Construction of Online Dish Cooking Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
542 | Development of Web Based Census Citizenship Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
543 | Automated a Mobile Electric Sales Management System | ANDRIOD |
544 | Design and Implementation of Mobile Ultrasound Department Management System | ANDRIOD |
545 | The Implementation of Online Work Shift Information Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
546 | Design and Develop an Online Mental Health Care Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
547 | Integration of Mobile Sales Bakery Management System | ANDRIOD |
548 | Development and Adaptation of E-Visa Processing And Follow up Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
549 | Developing Online District Civil Registration Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
550 | Adoption of Mobile Eye-Car Info. Management System | ANDROID |
551 | Design and Implementation Mobile Kinder Garden Information System | ANDRIOD |
552 | Developing Online UNISO Student Affairs Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
553 | Design and Implementation Online Telephone Billing Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
554 | Development of an Online Refugee Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
555 | Adoption of Mobile Smart Doctor For Ophthalmic Disease | ANDRIOD |
556 | Design and Implementation of Online Smart Low Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
557 | Adoption of Mobile Knowledge Sharing Information System | ANDRIOD |
558 | Developing of an Online Easy Way Claim Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
559 | Design and Implementation of Online Import And Export Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
560 | Design and Implementation of an Online Car Plate Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
561 | Automated of Mobile Weapon Management For Minister Of Defence | ANDRIOD |
562 | Adoption of an Mobile Outpatient management system | ANDROID |
563 | Design and Implementation Online Vehicle Booking Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
564 | Design of Online Personal Expense Trucking Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
565 | Adoption of an Online Course Portal Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
566 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Apartment Rental Management System | ANDROID |
567 | Developing a Mobile Laundry Information Application | ANDROID |
568 | Develop of a Mobile Lost Fount Information System For Somali People | ANDRIOD |
569 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Poultry Information System | ANDRIOD |
570 | Design and Implementation of Online Airplane Reservation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
571 | Design and Implementation of Online Livestock Export MS | PHP/MYSQL |
572 | Design and Development of Employee Mobile Payroll Management System | ANDRIOD |
573 | Developing an Online Agriculture Information Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
574 | Integration of a Mobile Vaccination Information Management System | ANDRIOD |
575 | Design and Implementation of Online Lecturer Evaluation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
576 | Developing an Online Sales Jewellery Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
577 | Design and Implementation of an Online Car Insurance Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
578 | Automated of a Mobile Zoo Management System | ANDRIOD |
579 | Design and Implementation of an Online UNISO Public Relation information | JSP/MYSQL |
580 | Integration of an Online Hospital Sanitation MS | PHP/MYSQL |
581 | Developing of an Online Petrol Station Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
582 | Design and Developing an Online Library Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
583 | Developing a Mobile NGO Information Management System | ANDRIOD |
584 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Slaughter House Management System | ANDRIOD |
585 | Design and Implementation of Mobile Rehabilitation Information System | ANDRIOD |
586 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Car Wash Management System | ANDRIOD |
587 | Developing a Mobile Doctor Appointment Management System | ANDRIOD |
588 | Design and Implementation of an Online DRY Milk Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
589 | Integration of an Online Glossary Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
590 | Developing of an Online Quiz Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
591 | Design and Implementation of an Online Car Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
592 | Design and Developing of an Online Course Allocation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
593 | Developing an Online Computer LAB Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
594 | Integration of a Mobile Project Management System FOR NRC | ANDRIOD |
595 | Developing of a Mobile Wedding Planning Management System | ANDROID |
596 | Design and Implementation of an Online Gas Agency Information Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
597 | Integration of a Mobile Refugee Management System | ANDRIOD |
598 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Birth Rate Monitoring Information Record System | JSP/MYSQL |
599 | Design and Implementation of an Online Immunization Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
600 | Design and Development of a Mobile Post Office Information Management System | ANDRIOD |
601 | Adaptation of an E-Shopping Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
602 | Design and Implementation of an Online Garage Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
603 | Developing a Web Based Restaurant Management system | JSP/MYSQL |
604 | Developing of an Online Second Hand Books selling Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
605 | Design and Implementation of an Online Hospital Sanitation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
606 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Mobile Visa Processing System | ANDROID |
607 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Student Information System for UNISO Student Affairs | ANDROID |
608 | Design of an Online Parent Record Keeping and Billing Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
609 | Mobile Police Registration Information System | ANDROID |
610 | Mobile Charcoal Export Application | ANDROID |
611 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Mobile Student Transfer Information System | ANDROID |
612 | Mobile Personal Expense Trucking Information System | ANDROID |
613 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Veterinary Hospital Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
614 | A Prototype of Computerized Child Information Management System | C#/MSSQL |
615 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Auditing System for Local Government Administration | C#/MYSQL |
616 | Design and Implementation of an Online Project Plan Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
617 | Adaptation of a Mobile Court Information Application | ANDROID |
618 | Developing of an Online Airport Network Flight Scheduler Project | PHP/MYSQL |
619 | Automated of an Mobile Gas Agency Delivery Information System | ANDROID |
620 | Design and Implementation of an Online Farm Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
621 | Design and Development of a Mobile Lecturer Evaluation Information System | ANDROID |
622 | A Prototype of a Computerized Vehicle Insurance Management System | C#/MSSQL |
623 | Design and Implementation of Campus Online Help Desk Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
624 | Developing of an Online Studio Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
625 | Adaptation of a Mobile Agriculture Information System | ANDROID |
626 | Developing a Mobile Spare parts Information Management System | ANDROID |
627 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Boat Rental Reservation Management System | ANDROID |
628 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Census Citizenship Management System | ANDROID |
629 | Developing of an Online Doctor Appointment Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
630 | Design and Implementation of an Online Mosque Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
631 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Computer LAB Information System | ANDROID |
632 | Developing of an Mobile Task Monitoring Application | ANDROID |
633 | Adaptation of a Mobile Student Material Distribution System | ANDROID |
634 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Futsal Information Application | ANDROID |
635 | A Prototype of Computerized Life Insurance Information System | C#/MSSQL |
636 | Developing of an Online Police Community Relationship Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
637 | Design and Simulation of Secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) Over an Open Network (Internet) | PACKET TRACER |
638 | A Mobile Car and Plate Number Registration and Identification System in Somalia | ANDROID |
639 | Design and Implementation of an Online Somali Livestock Export Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
640 | Design and Implementation of an Online Health Care Provider Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
641 | Adaptation of a Mobile Student Feedback Information System | ANDROID |
642 | Designing and Computerization of an Online Electric Fun Transfer System | PHP/MYSQL |
643 | Design and Developing of an Online National Identity Registration Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
644 | Automated a Mobile Team Assessment Information System | ANDROID |
645 | Designing A Computer Software of E – Commerce Web Portal | PHP/MYSQL |
646 | Developing a Mobile Import and Export Management System | ANDROID |
647 | Design and Implementation of a Computer Based Seaport Billing System | C#/MSSQL |
648 | Design and Implementation of an Online Broadcasting Management System for TV | JSP/MYSQL |
649 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Mobile Real Estate Management System | ANDROID |
650 | Adaptation of an Online Land Distribution Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
651 | A Mobile Geographical Information Retrieval System | ANDROID |
652 | Designing of a Mobile Fundraising Management System | ANDROID |
653 | A Computerized Online Examination System for Staff Recruitment | JSP/MYSQL |
654 | Designing of a Computerized Online Visitor Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
655 | Design and Implementation of an Online Land Border Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
656 | Developing of an Online Blood Donation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
657 | Design and Implementation of an Enhanced Online Goods Transportation System | PHP/MYSQL |
658 | Design and Implementation of an Online Airport Taxation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
659 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Airline Reservation Management System | ANDROID |
660 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application Noticeboard For UNISO | ANDROID |
661 | A Mobile Application of Hotel Management System | ANDROID |
662 | Implementation of a Computerized Online Insurance Application and Registration System | JSP/MYSQL |
663 | Implementation of an Online Course Registration and Result Processing System | JSP/MYSQL |
664 | Designing and Implementation of Mobile Cyber Café Billing System | ANDROID |
665 | Developing of a Mobile Studio Management System | ANDROID |
666 | Documentation for an Online Hotel Business Billing System | JSP/MYSQL |
667 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Online Student ID-Card Processing System | PHP/MYSQL |
668 | Design and Developing of a Mobile Courier and Delivery Management System | ANDROID |
669 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Expert System for Typhoid and Malaria Diagnosis | ANDROID |
670 | Design and Implementation of Computerized Budget Analysis System (CASE STUDY OF GALMUDUG STATE MINISTRY OF FINANCE) | C#/MSSQL |
671 | Design and Implementation of an Online Basketball Stadium Ticket Acquisition and Reservation System | PHP/MYSQL |
672 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Auditing System for Financial Institution | PHP/MYSQL |
673 | Development of an Online Contract Information and Management System for UNISO HR Department | JSP/MYSQL |
674 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for UNISO Staff Leaving Information System | ANDROID |
675 | Design and Development of a Web Based Market Information System (A CASE STUDY OF MOGADISHU MALL) | PHP/MYSQL |
676 | Develop of a Mobile Somali Culture Registration and Information System | ANDROID |
677 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile NGO Information Management System | ANDRIOD |
678 | Automated of an Online Inventory Management System for Daruro Jewellery | JSP/MYSQL |
679 | Development of a Computerized Mobile Dry Milk Information Management System | ANDROID |
680 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile X-ray Department Information and Management System | ANDROID |
681 | Design and Implementation of Movie Ticket Reservation System | C#/MSSQL |
682 | Design and Implementation of Mobile Health Care Provider Information System for MCH | ANDROID |
683 | Design and Implementation of Online Assignment Submission Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
684 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for Text to Speech/Audio System | ANDROID |
685 | Designing a Computer Software Farm Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
686 | Design and Implementation A Computerized Animal Drug Inventory Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
687 | Design and Implementation of a File Sharing Application for Android | ANDROID |
688 | A Prototype of a Computerized Child Abuse Database Management System | C#/MSSQL |
689 | A Prototype of a Computerized Child Abuse Database Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
690 | Design and Implementation of Online Admission and Result Checking for a Higher Education | PHP/MYSQL |
691 | Documentation of a Computerized Online Stock Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
692 | Design and Implement of a Mobile Student Feedback Management System | ANDROID |
693 | Development of a Computerized Web Based OutPatient Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
694 | Design and Development of Web Based Tax Evaluation System for Civil Servants | PHP/MYSQL |
695 | The Implementation of Online Point of Sales System | JSP/MYSQL |
696 | The Implantation of Web Based Civil Service Performance Evaluation System (A CASE STUDY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF SOMALIA) | PHP/MYSQL |
697 | Automated Database for Online Transcript Generation System | PHP/MYSQL |
698 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Complain Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
699 | Design and Development of a Mobile Somali Navy Information and Management System | ANDROID |
700 | A Prototype of a Computerized Airline Reservation Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
701 | Design and Implementation of an Online Market Survey Reporting System | PHP/MYSQL |
702 | Designing of Land Ownership Documentation Information System | C#/MSSQL |
703 | Developing of a Web Based Discussion Forum for Computer Science and Engineering Department | JSP/MYSQL |
704 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Case Filling System for Drug Monitoring Agent | JSP/MYSQL |
705 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Expert System of Medical Diagnosis for Bacteria Infected Illnesse | ANDROID |
706 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Information System for Small Enterprise | PHP/MYSQL |
707 | Documentation of a Computerized Mobile Work shift Information Management System | ANDROID |
708 | A Prototype of a Computerized Post Office Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
709 | Design and Implementation of an Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering Departments Website | PHP/MYSQL |
710 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Documentation System of Court Proceedings (A CASE STUDY OF FEDERAL HIGH COURT PUTLAND STATE) | JAVA/MYSQL |
711 | Design and Development of Computerized Drug Information and Management System | C#/MSSQL |
712 | Designing of Mobile Somali National Army Information Management System | ANDROID |
713 | Design and Implementation of an Online Information System for Human Right Based Organization | PHP/MYSQL |
714 | Design and Implementation of an Online Quality Control Information System in Stock Product | PHP/MYSQL |
715 | Design and Implementation of Computerized Economic Growth Monitoring System (CASE STUDY OF FEDERAL MINISTRY OF FINANCE) | C#/MSSQL |
716 | Online Inventory Management System for Medical Equipment | JSP/MYSQL |
717 | Online Mineral Water Supply Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
718 | Implementation of Cement Delivery Record Information System | C#/MYSQL |
719 | Design and Implementation of an Enhanced Online Quality Assurance Monitoring System for Higher Education Institution | PHP/MYSQL |
720 | Design and Implementation of an Online Multilingual Chat Application | PHP/MYSQL |
721 | Automated of an Online Ambulance Service Provider Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
722 | Development of a Mobile Stationary Management System | ANDROID |
723 | Design and Implementation of an Online Birth and Death Registration and Information System Using KTC Framework | KTC Framework |
724 | Development of Mobile Tourism Information System | ANDROID |
726 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Lost and Fund Child Information System | ANDROID |
727 | Design and Develop of an Online Budget Analysis System (CASE STUDY OF PUTLAND STATE MINISTRY OF FINANCE) | JSP/MYSQL |
728 | Development of Mobile Content Management System | ANDROID |
729 | Automated System for Mobile Electronic Money Transfer Application | ANDROID |
730 | Design and Implementation of Web Based Billing Information System Using KTC Framework | KTC Framework |
731 | Design of Online Somali Athletic Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
732 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Digital Library Information and Management System | ANDROID |
733 | Design and Implementation of Online Cash Receipt Generating System for Supermarket | PHP/MYSQL |
734 | Design and Implementation of an Online Population Census Monitoring System | PHP/MYSQL |
735 | Design and Implementation of Computerized Livestock Information and Management System | C#/MYSQL |
736 | Design and Development of an Online Drug Verification and Management System (A Case Study of Ministry of Health) | PHP/MYSQL |
737 | Design and Implementation of Online Tutorial on Food Cocking System | PHP/MYSQL |
738 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Seaport Taxation Information System | ANDROID |
739 | Automated System for Online Agriculture Development | JSP/MYSQL |
740 | Design and Implementation of Online Video Rental Service System | PHP/MYSQL |
741 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Job Portal Information and Management System | ANDROID |
742 | Design and Implementation of a web based Inventory Control System Using KTC Framework | KTC Framework |
743 | Production Control System (A Case Study of Coca-Cola Bottling Company) | C#/MYSQL |
744 | Development of Online Second-hand Book Buying & Selling Portal | ASP.NET/MSSQL |
745 | Design of Mobile Dry lemon Application System | ANDROID |
746 | Implementation of a Mobile Marketing Management System | ANDROID |
747 | Design and Develop of a Mobile Movie Ticket Acquisition and Reservation System | ANDROID |
748 | Design and Implementation of A Mobile Distributed System for Personal Security | ANDROID |
749 | Automated of an Online Clearance System for Graduation Student | PHP/MYSQL |
750 | Design of Computer Based Auction Information Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
751 | Implementation of an Online Bakery Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
752 | Integrated Study on The Use of a Computer Web Based Expert System in Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer | PHP/MYSQL |
753 | Development of an Online Financial Accounting System for Hotel Industry Using KTC Framework | KTC Framework |
754 | Design and Implementation of an Online Guest Information Tracking System | JSP/MYSQL |
755 | Automated System for an Online Solving School Time Table | JSP/MYSQL |
756 | Develop of a Web Based Banking Services Complain Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
757 | Design and Implementation of a web based Test Bank Management System for Computer Science Department Using KTC Framework | KTC Framework |
758 | Development of an Online Staff Leaving Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
759 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Veterinary Hospital Information Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
760 | Design and Development of Web Based Tax Evaluation System for Civil Servants | JSP/MYSQL |
761 | Design and Implementation of an Online Information System for Human Right Based Organization | JSP/MYSQL |
762 | Design and Implementation of Computerized Economic Growth Monitoring System (CASE STUDY OF FEDERAL MINISTRY OF FINANCE) | PHP/MYSQL |
763 | Design and Develop of an Online Land Ownership Documentation Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
764 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Admission and Result Checking for a Higher Education | JSP/MYSQL |
765 | Design and Implement of an Android Mobile Team Assistant Information System | ANDROID |
766 | Design and Develop a Web Based Parent Record Keeping Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
767 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student ID-Card Processing System for UNISO | JSP/MYSQL |
768 | Design and Develop of a Mobile Employee Recruiting Information System for UNISO HR Department | ANDROID |
769 | Design and Develop of a Mobile Mineral Water Supply Information Management System | ANDROID |
770 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Land Distribution Information System | ANDROID |
771 | Design and Develop of a Web Based Farm Information Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
772 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Police Community Relationship Information System | ANDROID |
773 | Design and Implementation of an Online Budget Analysis System (A Case Study Ministry of Finance) | PHP/MYSQL |
774 | Design and Develop a Web Based Animal Drug Inventory Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
775 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Birth and Death Registration and Information System | ANDROID |
776 | Design and Develop of a Mobile Beauty Salon Information Management System | ANDROID |
777 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Banking Service Complain Information System | ANDROID |
778 | Design and Develop of a Mobile Telephone Billing Information System | ANDROID |
779 | Design and Implementation of an Enhanced Web Based Quality Assurance Monitoring System for Higher Education Institution | JSP/MYSQL |
780 | Design and Develop of a Web Based Cash Receipt Generating System for Supermarket | JSP/MYSQL |
781 | Design and Implementation of an Online Video Rental Service Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
782 | Design and Develop of an Online Drug Verification and Management System (A Case Study of Ministry of Health) | JSP/MYSQL |
783 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Basketball Stadium Ticket Acquision and Reservation System | JSP/MYSQL |
784 | Design and Develop of a Mobile Finance Information Management System | ANDROID |
785 | Design and Implementation of an Online Student Consultant Information Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
786 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Vehicle Plate Information System | ANDROID |
787 | Design and Implementation of a computerized Land Distribution Information System | C#/MSSQL |
788 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Performance Forecasting Information and Management System (A Case Study: UNIVERSITY OF SOMALIA) | JSP/MYSQL |
789 | Design and Implementation of an E – procurement and logistics Information System (A Case Study: Norwegian Refugee Consul) | PHP/MYSQL |
790 | Design and Implementation of a web based Apartment Information and Management System (A Case Study: SAFARI APARTMENT) | JSP/MYSQL |
791 | Design and Implementation Secure Web Application Travel Rating and Exploring (A Case Study: AFRICAN EXPRESS AIRWAYS) | JSP/MYSQL |
792 | Design and Implementation of an Online Trading Management System (A Case Study: KOBAC GENERAL TRADING COMPANY) | JSP/MYSQL |
793 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Criminal Investigation Tracker with Suspect Prediction (A Case Study: Somali Police Criminal Investigation Department) | JSP/MYSQL |
794 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Electric Information and Management System (A Case Study: Mogadishu Power Supply) | PHP/MYSQL |
795 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Bakery Information and Management System (A Case Study: NAJAX BAKERY) | JSP/MYSQL |
796 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based E-Commerce Information and Management System (A Case Study: ALEEL COMPANY) | JSP/MYSQL |
797 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Hospital Sanitation Information and Management System (A Case Study: Benadir Hospital) | ANDROID |
798 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Digital Library System (A Case Study: University of Somalia) | JSP/MYSQL |
799 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Video Rental Management System (A Case Study: SAAFI FILMS) | ANDROID |
800 | Design and Implementation of an E-Tuition Management System (A Case Study: Imamu Shafici Primary and Secondary School) | PHP/MYSQL |
801 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Alumni Event Information Management System (A Case Study: UNISO ALUMNI STUDENTS) | ANDROID |
802 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Student Faculty Feedback Information System (A Case Study: Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science) | ANDROID |
803 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Project Approval Management System (A Case Study: FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE) | PHP/MYSQL |
804 | Design and Implementation of a web based Book Store Information and Management System (A Case Study: BARAKAT BOOK SHOP) | JSP/MYSQL |
805 | Design and Implementation of a web based Student Faculty Document Sharing Information System (A Case Study: Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science) | PHP/MYSQL |
806 | Design and implementation of an Android based Emergency Alarm and Health Care Management System (A Case Study: UNISO Hospital) | ANDROID |
807 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Inventory Management System (A Case Study: SHAKIR FOAM FACTORY) | PHP/MYSQL |
808 | Design and Implementation of an Online Veterinary Hospital Management System (A Case Study: | JSP/MYSQL |
809 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Employee Expenses Information System (UNISO EMPLOYEE) | PHP/MYSQL |
810 | Design and Implementation of an Online Health Prediction Management System (A Case Study: KALKAAL SPECIALIST HOSPITAL) | PHP/MYSQL |
811 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Faculty Magazine Information and Management system (A Case Study: Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science) | PHP/MYSQL |
812 | Design and Implementation of an E – Fuel Booking Information and Management System (A Case Study: HASS FUEL STATION) | JSP/MYSQL |
813 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Remittance Information and Management System (A Case Study: TAAJ MONEY TRANSTER) | ANDROID |
814 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Event Attendance Information and Management System (A Case Study: PIZZA HOUSE) | PHP/MYSQL |
815 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Monitoring Information and Management System (A Case Study: UNISO STUDENT AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT) | PHP/MYSQL |
816 | Design and Implementation of an online Automated Exam Seating Arrangement Management System (A Case Study: UNISO EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT) | PHP/MYSQL |
817 | Design and Implementation of a web based Bus Ticket Information and Management System ( A Case Study: EL ALI TRAVEL & CARGO AGENCY) | JSP/MYSQL |
818 | Design and Implementation of a web based Hotel Business Billing Information Management System (A Case Study: SAFARI HOTEL) | PHP/MYSQL |
819 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Lost and Found People Information and Management System (A Case Study: Mogadishu City) | ANDROID |
820 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Retail Purchase and Tracking System | PHP/MYSQL |
821 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Farming Information and Management System (A Case Study: AL FARAJ GROUP AND FAMILY FARM) | ANDROID |
822 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal for Real Estate and Property Management System (A Case Study: Guryo Bile Company) | PHP/MYSQL |
824 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Airport Information and Management System (A Case Study: Adam Abdulle Osman Airport, Mogadishu) | PHP/MYSQL |
825 | Design and Implementation of an E-SCM: Supply Chain Management Solutions for a distribution Company | JSP/MYSQL |
826 | Design and Implementation of A Web Based Production Control and Information System (A Case Study: Al Khairat Group of Companies) | PHP/MYSQL |
827 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Research Project Search Engine System (A Case Study: Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, UNISO) | PHP/MYSQL |
828 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Birth Rate Monitoring Information and Management System (A Case Study: Hirshabelle State, Somalia) | PHP/MYSQL |
829 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Land Ownership Documentation Management System (A Case Study: | JSP/MYSQL |
830 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal for Somali Premier League Information System (A Case Study: Somali Football Fedaration) | JSP/MYSQL |
831 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Seaport Billing Information System (A Case Study: Mogadishu Port, Somalia) | JSP/MYSQL |
832 | Design and Implementation of an Android National Identity Registration and Management System (A Case Study: Benadir Region, Somalia) | ANDROID |
833 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Economic Growth Monitoring Information System (A case Study: Ministry of Finance, JUBBALAND) | JSP/MYSQL |
834 | Design and Implementation of a web based Animal Drug Inventory Management System (A Case Study: | JSP/MYSQL |
835 | Design and Implementation of an Android Parent Record Keeping and Billing Management System | ANDROID |
836 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Enterprise Resource Planning and Information System (A Case Study: Waxool Company, Mogadishu) | JSP/MYSQL |
837 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Household Budget Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
838 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Cafeteria Ordering System (A Case Study: CAFELATO, Mogadishu) | PHP/MYSQL |
839 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Airport Network Flight Scheduler Information and Management System (A Case Study: Adam Abdulle Osman Airport, Mogadishu) | JSP/MYSQL |
840 | Design and Implementation of an ICT Assisted Database for Senior Citizens (A Case Study: South and West State, Somalia) | PHP/MYSQL |
841 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Unemployment Rate Monitoring Information and Management System (A Case Study: | JSP/MYSQL |
842 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Fruit Shop Information and Management System (A Case Study: | PHP/MYSQL |
843 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Goods Transportation Information System (A Case Study: Daryel Logistic and Shipping Company) | JSP/MYSQL |
844 | Design and Implementation of an Online Moto Plate Number Registration and Recognition Management System (A Case Study: | PHP/MYSQL |
845 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Cash Control Information and Management System (A Case Study: Amal Bank, Mogadishu) | JSP/MYSQL |
846 | Design and Implementation of an Android Student ID-Card Processing and Information System (A Case Study: University of Somalia) | ANDROID |
847 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Cement Delivery Record Management System (A Case Study: | PHP/MYSQL |
848 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Examination System for Staff Recruitment (A Case Study: Dahabshiil Group) | PHP/MYSQL |
849 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Sport Shop Information and Management System (A Case Study: A to Z Sports House, Mogadishu) | JSP/MYSQL |
850 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Movie Ticket Reservation System | PHP/MYSQL |
851 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Population Census Monitoring and Information System (A Case Study: | JSP/MYSQL |
852 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Clearance Information System for UNISO Gradation Students | JSP/MYSQL |
853 | Design and Implementation of a web based Car Accident Information and Management System (A Case Study: Fish Traffic) | PHP/MYSQL |
854 | Design and Implementation of an E – Bus Ticket Reservation Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
855 | Design and Implementation of a web based Sports Events Management Platform for Colleges. | PHP/MYSQL |
856 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal National and International Holidays Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
857 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Aided Tutorial for Teaching Basic Programming Languages | PHP/MYSQL |
858 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Diagnostic Lab Reporting Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
859 | Design and Implementation of an E – Governance Information and Management System (A Case Study: Benadir Region) | PHP/MYSQL |
860 | Design and Implementation of a Smart Inventory Management System of Food Processing and Distribution Industry | PHP/MYSQL |
861 | Design and Implementation of a web Based Case Filling System for Drug Monitoring Agent | PHP/MYSQL |
862 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Production Control Information System ( A Case Study: COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY) | JSP/MYSQL |
863 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Child Abuse Database Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
864 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Customer Complain Information and Management System (A Case Study: Hormud Telecom) | PHP/MYSQL |
865 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Pizza Ordering Management System (A Case Study Pizza out Company) | PHP/MYSQL |
866 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Production Scheduler Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
867 | Design and Implementation of a web based distributed Learning System with Desktop recording, VoIP, Desktop Sharing and Session Sharing. | PHP/MYSQL |
868 | Design and Implementation of an Android Course Material Distribution Management System | ANDROID |
869 | Design and Implementation of a web portal Student Memo Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
870 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Taxation Monitoring information System (A Case Study: Galmudug State, Somalia) | PHP/MYSQL |
871 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Smart Health Consultant Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
872 | Design and Implementation of an Online Vehicle Taxation Information System in Somalia | PHP/MYSQL |
873 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Long Term Surveillance Record for HIV/AIDS Parent System | PHP/MYSQL |
874 | Development of an Intelligent Web Based Health Care Management and Evaluation System | PHP/MYSQL |
875 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Assignment Submission Management System | ANDROID |
876 | Design and Implementation of a web based Smart Heart Disease Prediction Management System. | PHP/MYSQL |
877 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Guest Trucking Information System (A Case Study: IBS Bank) | PHP/MYSQL |
878 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Timetabling Generation Application (A Case Study: Examination Department, UNISO) | PHP/MYSQL |
879 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Language Transfer Somali to English System | PHP/MYSQL |
880 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Hall Booking Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
881 | Design and Implementation of a Web Lost Articles and Latters Reconciliation System | PHP/MYSQL |
882 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal School Bus Tracking Management System (A Case Study: Hamar Boarding School) | PHP/MYSQL |
883 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Road Transport Booking Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
884 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Mosque Information and Management System | C#/MSSQL |
885 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Expert System on Typhoid and Malaria Diagnosis | PHP/MYSQL |
886 | Design and Implementation of a web based Herbs Shopping Management System. | PHP/MYSQL |
887 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Hospital Space Management and Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
888 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Teacher Pension Verification System | PHP/MYSQL |
889 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Online Contract Management System | ANDROID |
890 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Social Media Network for Students (A Case Study: University of Somalia) | ANDROID |
891 | Design and Implementation of a web based Class Management System. | PHP/MYSQL |
893 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Traditional Herbal Management System (A Case Study: Shifa’u Rahma Herbal Hospital) | ANDROID |
894 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Lottery Processing Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
896 | Online Sales Management System For Medical Equipment | PHP/MYSQL |
897 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Traffic Offence Documentation Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
898 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Water Billing Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
899 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Digital Library Information System (A Case Study: University of Somalia) | PHP/MYSQL |
900 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Expert System in Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast Cancer | JSP/MYSQL |
902 | Design and Implementation of an Android Healthcare Consultation And Medical Subscription | ANDROID |
903 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Drug Procurement and Distribution Tracking System | PHP/MYSQL |
904 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Student Discipline Information and Management System (A Case Study: University of Somalia) | ANDROID |
905 | Design and Implementation of an Online Handball Club Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
906 | Design and Implementation of State Civil Service Payroll Accounting System | PHP/MYSQL |
907 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Education Umbrella Information System | C#/MSSQL |
908 | Design and Implementation of an Online Bajaj Rental Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
909 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Car Selling Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
910 | Design and Implementation of an Automated Employment Directory and Labour Assignment System | PHP/MYSQL |
911 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Smart Law Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
912 | Design and Implementation of Secure Online Forum for Lecturers and Students (A Case Study: Computer Science Department, UNISO) | PHP/MYSQL |
913 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Grocery Store Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
914 | Design and Implementation of an Android Pizza Ordering Information System | ANDROID |
915 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Lottery Processing Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
916 | Design and Implementation of Expert Management System for Automated fault Detection and Diagnosis | PHP/MYSQL |
917 | Design and Implementation of Expert Financial Planning and Budgeting System | PHP/MYSQL |
918 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Career Guidance Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
920 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Billing and Sales Forecasting System (A Case Study: Al Furqan Drug Ltd) | PHP/MYSQL |
921 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Point of Sales Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
922 | Design and Implementation of an Online Mogadishu Business Directory Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
923 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Forex Traders Company Information System | ASP.NET/MSSQL |
924 | Design and Implementation of an Online Paying Guest Accommodation System | PHP/MYSQL |
925 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Charity Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
926 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Drug Procurement and Distribution Trucking System | JSP/MYSQL |
927 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Fish Export Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
928 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Teleconference System for Schools | PHP/MYSQL |
929 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Somali Brokers Registration and Information System (A Case Study: | PHP/MYSQL |
930 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Expert System for Human Nutrition Analysis (A Case Study: | ANDROID |
931 | Design and Implementation of an Android Fund Transfer Information System (A Case Study: | JSP/MYSQL |
932 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Online Student Clearance System (A Case Study: University of Somalia) | ANDROID |
933 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Loan Approval Information and Management System (A Case Study: Amal Bank, Somalia) | JSP/MYSQL |
934 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Result Processing and Transcript Generation System (A Case Study: University of Somalia) | JSP/MYSQL |
935 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Course Registration and Result Processing Information System (A Case Study: | PHP/MYSQL |
936 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Staff Attendance System Using Fingerprint Biometric (A Case Study: HR Department, UNISO) | PHP/MYSQL |
937 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Cash Receipt Generation Information System (A Case | ANDROID |
938 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Result Checker Information System (A Case Study: | ANDROID |
939 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Budget Planning and Controlling Management System (A Case Study: Primier Bank) | PHP/MYSQL |
940 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Documentation System of Court Proceedings (A Case Study: Federal High Court) | JSP/MYSQL |
941 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal House Selling Information and Management System (A Case Study: | JSP/MYSQL |
942 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Automated Inventory Control System for Manufacturing Company (A Case Study: COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY) | JSP/MYSQL |
943 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Noticeboard Information System (A Case Study: University of Somalia) | PHP/MYSQL |
944 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Airport Flight Scheduler Information and Management System (A Case Study: Shati Gaduud Airport, Somalia) | ANDROID |
945 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based School Finder System (A Case Study: Benadir Region) | ANDROID |
946 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Rating of Teacher Effectiveness System (A Case Study: University of Somalia) | PHP/MYSQL |
947 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Market Information System (A Case Study: Mogadishu Mall) | JSP/MYSQL |
948 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Visitor Information and Management System (A Case Study: | JSP/MYSQL |
949 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Drug Verification and Management System (A Case Study: Ministry of Health) | ANDROID |
950 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal In-Patient Information and Management System (A Case Study: Shaafi Hospital) | JSP/MYSQL |
951 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Education Magazine Information System (A Case Study: SAFE) | ANDROID |
952 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Basketball Stadium Ticket Acquisition and Reservation System (A Case Study: Darwish Stadium) | ANDROID |
953 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Market Survey Reporting and Information System (A Case Study: | JSP/MYSQL |
954 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Complain Management System (A Case Study: University of Somalia) | JSP/MYSQL |
955 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Tutorial on Food Cocking Management System (A Case Study: | JSP/MYSQL |
956 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Certificate Verification System (A Case Study: Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education) | PHP/MYSQL |
957 | Design and Implementation of a Campus Web Based Help Disk Information System (A Case Study: UNISO OGR Campus) | JSP/MYSQL |
958 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Staff Performance Evaluation System (A Case Study: Hormud Telecom) | PHP/MYSQL |
959 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Automated Student School Fees Payment System (A Case Study: Somali Primary and Secondary School) | PHP/MYSQL |
960 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Quality Control in Stock Product Information System (A Case Study: | JSP/MYSQL |
961 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Electric Bill Payment Management System (A Case Study: Benadir Electric Company) | ANDROID |
962 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Birth Rate Monitoring Information System | ANDROID |
964 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Mailing System | ANDROID |
965 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Hotel Business Billing System | ANDROID |
966 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Mental Health Care Management System | ANDROID |
967 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Employee Training and Trucking System | JSP/MYSQL |
968 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Internet Caffe Billing System | PHP/MYSQL |
969 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based E – Shopping Management System | ANDROID |
970 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Importation Trucking Processing System | PHP/MYSQL |
971 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Vehicle Taxation Information System | C#/MSSQL |
972 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Industrial Training Fund Payment System | PHP/MYSQL |
973 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Test/Examination Information System (A Case Study: UNISO) | PHP/MYSQL |
974 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based School Fees Payment Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
976 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Medical Billing System (A Case Study: UNISO Hospital) | PHP/MYSQL |
977 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based E – Learning System for UNISO | ANDROID |
978 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Personal Auditing System for Government Administration | PHP/MYSQL |
979 | Design and Implementation of an Web Based Health Care Provider Information System for MCH | JSP/MYSQL |
980 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Quran Learning Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
981 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Auditing System for Financial Institution | JSP/MYSQL |
982 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based tnation Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
983 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Newspaper Delivery Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
984 | Design and Implementation of Weather Forecasting Package for Aviation Industry (A Case Study: Adam Abdulle Osman Airport) | JSP/MYSQL |
985 | Design and Implementation of a Online Motor Vehicle Licensing Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
986 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Police Registration Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
987 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Civil Service Promotion Scheme System | PHP/MYSQL |
988 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Seaport Billing System (A Case Study: Bosaaso Port) | PHP/MYSQL |
989 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Football Stadium Ticket Acquisition and Reservation System (Eng. Yarisow Stadium) | PHP/MYSQL |
990 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Birth Rate Monitoring Information System | ANDROID |
991 | Design and Implement of a Web Portal Production Control System (A Case Study of Cafi Mineral Water Company) | PHP/MYSQL |
992 | Design and Implementation of Computerized Livestock Information and Management System | C#/MSSQL |
993 | Design and Development of Computerized Drug Information and Management System | VB.NET/MSSQL |
994 | Designing and Implementation of a Computerized Land Ownership Documentation Information System | VB.NET/MSSQL |
995 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Airline Reservation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
996 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Basketball Stadium Ticket Acquisition and Reservation System | C#/MSSQL |
997 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Campus Visitor Management System | VB.NET/MSSQL |
998 | Design and Implementation of Online Newspaper Delivery Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
999 | Design and Implementation of an Android Glossary Information Management System | Android |
1000 | Design and Implementation of Web Portal Vehicle Taxation Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1001 | Design and Implementation of Web Based Lawyer Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1002 | Design and Implementation of web portal Mogadishu Security Information Sharing System (A Case Study: Ministry of Internal Security) | JSP/MYSQL |
1003 | Design and Implementation of Online Moto Plate Number Registration and Recognition Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1004 | Design and Implementation of Web Portal Employee Clocking information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1005 | Design and Implementation of E – Justice Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1006 | Design and Implementation of Online Real Estate and Property Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1007 | Design and Implementation of E – Lower Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1008 | Design and Implementation of Online Employee Expenses information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1009 | Design and Implementation of a Online Motor Vehicle Licensing Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1010 | Design and Implementation of an android House Selling information and Management System | Android |
1011 | Design and Implementation of Online Staff Performance Evaluation Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1012 | Design and Implementation of Online Fish Export information and Management system | JSP/MYSQL |
1013 | Design and Implementation of Online Handball Club Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1014 | Design and Implementation of Online Industrial Training Fund Payment Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1015 | Design and Implementation of Online Student Rating of Teacher Effectiveness System | JSP/MYSQL |
1016 | Design and Implementation of Web Based Automated Exam Seating Arrangement Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1017 | Design and Implementation of Online Student Faculty Document sharing Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1018 | Design and Implementation of an Online Banking Service Complain Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1019 | Design and Implementation of Online Booking System of University Sports Venues | PHP/MYSQL |
1020 | Design and Implementation of Web Portal Judicial Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1021 | The Implantation of Web Based Civil Service Performance Evaluation System (A CASE STUDY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF SOMALIA) | JSP/MYSQL |
1022 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Sport Shop Information and Management System (A Case Study: A to Z Sports House, Mogadishu) | PHP/MYSQL |
1023 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Jewelry Shop Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1024 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Employee Expenses Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1025 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Course Registration and Result Processing Information System | ANDROID |
1026 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Sport House Shop Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1027 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Waste Application System | PHP/MYSQL |
1028 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Campus Recruitment System (Training & Placement) System | PHP/MYSQL |
1029 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Marketplace Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1030 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Automated Exam Invigilation Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1031 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Cafeteria Ordering and Delivery System | JSP/MYSQL |
1032 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based School Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1033 | Design and Implementation of an Online Medicine Denotation Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1034 | Design and Implementation of a E – Resources Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1035 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Fruit Shop Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1036 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based University Voting Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1037 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Result Processing and Transcript Generation System | ANDROID |
1038 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Budget Analysis Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1039 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Flowers and Gift Shop Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1040 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Agriculture Machinery Information System | ANDROID |
1041 | Design and Implementation of an Android Course Portal Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1042 | Design and Implementation a Web Portal Health Care Logistic Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1043 | Design and Implementation of an Online Knowledge Based Community Sharing System | PHP/MYSQL |
1044 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Health Information System for Senior Citizen | ANDROID |
1045 | Design and Implementation of a web portal birth certificate verification System | PHP/MYSQL |
1046 | Design and Implementation of an ICT Assisted Database for Senior Citizens System | JSP/MSYSQL |
1047 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Banking Service Complain Information System | JAVA/MYSQL |
1048 | Design and Implementation of e-government Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1049 | Design and Implementation of an Online School Boarding Information an Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1050 | Design and Implementation of a web based telephone bill payment management system | JSP/MSYSQL |
1051 | Design and Implementation of Mobile Airport Taxation Management System | ANDROID |
1052 | Design and Implementation of an Online/Internet Office Chat Application System | PHP/MYSQL |
1053 | Design an d Implementation of an Online Campus opinion poll Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1054 | Design and Implementation of a web based cake shop Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1055 | Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Teacher-Student Interaction System | PHP/MYSQL |
1056 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile E-commerce Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1057 | Design and Implementation of a web based Cleaning Service Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1058 | Design and Implementation of Web Based Enrollment Authorization System | PHP/MYSQL |
1059 | Design and Implementation of Web Portal Land Border Control Management System | JSP/MSYSQL |
1060 | Design and Implementation of an Android based Airport Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1061 | Design and Implementation of a web portal Automatic period alerting System | JSP/MSYSQL |
1062 | Design and Implementation of a Biometric Student Attendance Information System | JSP/MSYSQL |
1063 | Design and Implementation of a web based cash payment management system | ANDROID |
1064 | Design and Implementation of a web based Student Academic Advising System | PHP/MYSQL |
1065 | Design and Implementation of an Electronic Invoicing System | PHP/MYSQL |
1066 | Design and Implementation of Web based Transport Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1067 | Design and Implementation of a web portal cargo transportation management system | PHP/MYSQL |
1068 | Design and Implementation of web portal Employee Transport Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1069 | Design and Implentation of a Computer Based Financial Audit System for Manufacturing Organization | JAVA/MYSQL |
1070 | Design and Implementation of a web portal bank verification number System | JSP/MSYSQL |
1071 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Motor Vehicle Licensing Information System | ANDROID |
1072 | Design and Implementation of web based multilingual chat Application | JSP/MSYSQL |
1073 | Design and Implementation of an Online Ice-Cream shop Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1074 | Design and Implementation of an audio/video group chat Application for wireless mash network | PHP/MYSQL |
1075 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Movie Subscription Platform System | ANDROID |
1076 | Design and Implementation of a web portal Grade Evaluation System | PHP/MYSQL |
1077 | Design and Implementation of an Online Antenatal Care Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1078 | Design and Implementation of a web based Teacher pension Verification and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1079 | Design and Implementation of an Online Vehicle Rental Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1080 | Design and Implementation of an Online Alumni Event Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1081 | Design and Implementation of an Online Marriage Registration and Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1082 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based House Selling information and Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
1083 | Design and Implementation of an Android Customer Feedback Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1084 | Design and Implementation of a web portal certificate verification and Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1085 | Design and Implementation of a web portal Timetabling Generating System | JSP/MYSQL |
1086 | Design and Implementation of a web based Biometric Adjustment for Employee Salary System | JSP/MYSQL |
1087 | Design and Implementation of a web based parent record keeping and billing information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1088 | Design and Implementation of a web based Internet Café Billing Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1089 | Design and Implementation of an Android Fish Export Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1090 | Design and Implementation of an Android Automated Exam Seating Arrangement System | ANDROID |
1091 | Design and Implementation of a web based procurement and Logistics Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1092 | Design and Implementation of a web portal Homeless Management and Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1093 | Design and Implementation of a web based tourism information and management system | PHP/MYSQL |
1094 | Design and Implementation of an Android Quality Control Information System in stock product | ANDROID |
1095 | Design and Implementation of a web portal Faculty Magazine Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1096 | Design and Implementation of a web based Data Archival Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1097 | Design and Implementation of a web portal District Administration Management and information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1098 | Design and Implementation of a web portal staff attendance monitoring and management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1099 | Design and Implementation of web based pharmacy Management System for UNISO Hospital | PHP/MYSQL |
1100 | Design and Implementation of a web portal Test/Examination Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1101 | Design and Implementation of an Android population census monitoring and Information System | ANDROID |
1102 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Computer Repairing Shop Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1103 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal State Civil Service Payroll Accounting System | JSP/MYSQL |
1104 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Medical Billing Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1105 | Design and Implementation of an Online Paying Guest Accommodation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1106 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Course Allocation Management System | ANDROID |
1107 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Cement Delivery Record Information System | ANDROID |
1108 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Veterinary Hospital Information System | ANDROID |
1109 | Design and Implementation of an Online Vegetable Market Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1110 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Customer Relationship Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1111 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Face Detection and Recognition System | ANDROID |
1112 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Seaport Billing Management System | ANDROID |
1113 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Criminal Investigation Tracker With Suspect Predication | ANDROID |
1114 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Smart Hospital Queue Management System | ANDROID |
1115 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based Vehicle Parking Information System | JAVA/MYSQL |
1116 | Design and Implementation of an Online Booking University Sports Venues Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1117 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Money Transfer System | PHP/MYSQL |
1118 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Vehicle Plate Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1119 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Grocery Store Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1120 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Farm Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1121 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based E-Leaning Platform Management System | ANDROID |
1122 | Design and Implementation of Remote Control System Between Androids | ANDROID |
1123 | Design and Implementation of an Android E-mall Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1124 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Newspaper Delivery Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1125 | Design and Implementation of an Online Society Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1126 | Design and Implementation of an Android Real Estate and Property Information System | ANDROID |
1127 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Aided Tutorial for Teaching Basic Programming Languages | ANDROID |
1128 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Local Service Search Engine Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1129 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Employee Training and Trucking System | ANDROID |
1130 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Football Stadium Ticket Acquisition and Reservation Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1131 | Design and Implementation of Mobile Terminal ant-theft Tracking System based an Android Platform | ANDROID |
1132 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based Taxi Information and Management System | C#/MSSQL |
1133 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Computer Repairing Shop Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1134 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Examination Scheduling and Allocation System | PHP/MYSQL |
1135 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Food Wastage Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1136 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Lecturer Attendance Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1137 | Design and Implementation of an Online Student Admission and Document Verification System | |
1138 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Livestock Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1139 | Design and Implementation of an Online Book Store Management System with E-Payment Integration | PHP/MYSQL |
1140 | Design and Implementation of account Holders Information System for Microfinance Bank | PHP/MYSQL |
1141 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Clearance System for Graduation Students | JSP/MYSQL |
1142 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Discussion Forum for Computer Science and Engineering Students | PHP/MYSQL |
1143 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Education Umbrella Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1144 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Hall Event Booking Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1145 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Immunization Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1146 | Design and Implementation of a web Based Child Care Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1147 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Registration Pharmaceutical Company and Drug Verification System | PHP/MYSQL |
1148 | Design and Implementation of an Online Book Club Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1149 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Tax Collection and Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1150 | Design and Implementation of an Online Medical Diagnosis and Consultancy System | PHP/MYSQL |
1151 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Expert Planning and Budgeting System | JSP/MYSQL |
1152 | Design and Implementation of an Online Hospital Billing Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1153 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based Exam Seating Arrangement Management System | C#/MSSQL |
1154 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student’s Training and Placement Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1155 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Vaccination Information and Management System | JAVA/MYSSQL |
1156 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Household Budget Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1157 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Lottery Processing and Information System | ANDROID |
1158 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Apartment Information and Management System | JAVA/MYSSQL |
1159 | Design and Implementation of an Online Number Registration and Identification System in Somalia | JSP/MYSQL |
1160 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Product Expiry Alert System | PHP/MYSQL |
1161 | Topic: Design and Implementation of a Computerized Online Traffic Offence Documentation System | JSP / MYSQL |
1162 | Design and Implementation of a computerized Online Examination System for Staff Recruitment | PHP / MYSQL |
1163 | Topic: Design and Implementation of a Web Based Staff Remuneration information System | PHP / MYSQL |
1164 | Design and Implementation of a Face Recognition System | AI |
1167 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Bajaj Rental Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1168 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Medical Duties Scheduling System | PHP/MYSQL |
1169 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based CV Builder Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1170 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Electricity Billing System | JSP/MYSQL |
1171 | Design and Implementation of an Online Motorcycle Bike Rental Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1172 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Cement Delivery Record Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1173 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal School Boarding Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1174 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Online Academic Document Verification System | JSP/MYSQL |
1175 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Accommodation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1176 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Employee Clocking System | JSP/MYSQL |
1177 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Taxation Monitoring Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1178 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Student Union Performance Appraisal Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1179 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Rental House Information & Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1180 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Computer Driven Stock MS for Small Business Record Keeping & Trucking | PHP/MYSQL |
1181 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Car Workshop Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1182 | Design and Implementation of an Online Coaching Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1183 | Design and Implementation of an Online Construction information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1184 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Price Checking Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1185 | Design and Implementation of an Online Resort Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1186 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based for Distance Learning System | PHP/MYSQL |
1187 | Design and Implementation of E-Government Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1188 | Design and Implementation of an Automated Staff ID-Card Generating System | PHP/MYSQL |
1189 | Design and Implementation of an Online Clothing Shop Store and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1190 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Commodity Exchange Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1191 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for POS Coffee Shop Management System | C#/MSSQL |
1192 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Forex Traders Company Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1193 | Design and Implementation of an Online Expert System On Typhoid and Malaria Diagnosis | JSP/MYSQL |
1194 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Football Team Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1195 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Examination Scheduling and Allocation System | ANDROID |
1196 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Police Station Information & Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1197 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Wedding Hall Booking and Reservation System | JSP/MYSQL |
1198 | Design and Implementation of an Online Mathematics Tutoring Application for Secondary School Students | PHP/MYSQL |
1199 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based State Civil Service Payroll Accounting System | JSP/MYSQL |
1200 | Design and Implementation of an Online Garbage Management System | ASP.NET/MSSQL |
1201 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Evaluation System | PHP/MYSQL |
1202 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Book Store Management System | C#/MSSQL |
1203 | Design and Implementation of Web Portal Bank Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1204 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Data Archival Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1205 | Design and Implementation of an Online Marriage Registration Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1206 | Design and Implementation of an Online Catering Reservation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1207 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Birth Certificate Verification System | JSP/MYSQL |
1208 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for IceCream Shop Management System | C#/MSSQL |
1209 | Design and Implementation of an Online Covid-19 Vaccination Scheduler and Administration System | PHP/MYSQL |
1210 | Design and Implementation of an Online E-procurement and Logistics information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1211 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Household Budget Management System | ANDROID |
1212 | Design and Implementation of an Online Pet-shop Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1213 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Marriage Hall Booking and Reservation System | PHP/MYSQL |
1214 | Design and Implementation of an Online Expenses Tracking System | PHP/MYSQL |
1215 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Medical Billing Information System | ANDROID |
1216 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal School Library Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1217 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Museum System for Somali Culture and History | PHP/MYSQL |
1218 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Gas Billing Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1219 | Design and Implementation of an Online Waste Collection Service Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1220 | Design and Implementation of an Online Hospital Billing information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1221 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Sport Event Platform Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1222 | Bluetoth Based Home Automation Using Smart Phone | IoT |
1223 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Loan Scheme Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1224 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Hotel Business Billing System | C#/MSSQL |
1225 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Egg Production Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1226 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Forum for Lecturers and Students System | JSP/MYSQL |
1227 | Fingerprint Door Lock with Arduino Project | IoT |
1228 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal E-Project Planning Application System | JSP/MYSQL |
1229 | Design and Implementation of an Online Refugee Food Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1230 | IoT Based Fingerprint Biometric Attendance System | IoT |
1231 | Design and Implementation of an Android Lecturer Attendance Information System | ANDROID |
1232 | Design and Implementation of an Online Automated Student Attendance Monitoring System Using ID Number | JSP/MYSQL |
1233 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Plant Production and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1234 | Design and Implementation of an Android Multilingual Chat Application | ANDROID |
1235 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Poultry Farm Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1236 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Baby Daycare Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1237 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Automated Exam Invigilation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1238 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Student-Teacher Online Booking Appointment System in Academic Institutions | Flutter/MYSQL |
1239 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Standard Appraisal System for Pharmaceutical Products | PHP/MYSQL |
1240 | Design and Implementation of a Collaborative Software As a Web Based Office Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1241 | Design and Implementation of an Online Logistic Chat-bot Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1242 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Tax Collection Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1243 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Agriculture Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1244 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Staff Performance Management System | JAVAFX/MYSQL |
1245 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Gym and Fitness Center Management System | ANDROID |
1246 | Design and Implementation of a Social Media Based Web Application for Prospective University Students | PHP/MYSQL |
1247 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Gas Agency Delivery Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1248 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Clinic Appointment Booking System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1249 | Design and Implementation of an Online Shoes Store Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1250 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Society Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1251 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Staff Performance Evaluation System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1252 | Design and Implementation of an Online Student Consultation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1253 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Smart Health Prediction System | JSP/MYSQL |
1254 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Laboratory Department Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1255 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Pharmacy & Clinic Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1256 | Design and Implementation of an Online Train Transport Management System for Railway Corporation | PHP/MYSQL |
1257 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Driver’s License Registration and Renewal Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1258 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Inventory Management System for Medical Equipment | ANDROID |
1259 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile E-commerce Management System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1260 | Design and Implementation of an Online Medical Diagnosis and Consultancy Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1261 | Design and Implementation of an Online Computer Repairing and Troubleshooting System | PHP/MYSQL |
1262 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Production Scheduler Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1263 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Information System for Small Enterprise | JSP/MYSQL |
1264 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Apartment Information and Management System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1265 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Digital Diary Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1266 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Charity Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1267 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Interview Management System | KTC FRAMEWORK |
1268 | Design and Implementation of an Online Disaster Report Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1269 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Real Estate and Property Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
1270 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Personal Auditing System for Local Government Administration | PHP/MYSQL |
1271 | Design and Implementation of Web Based Smart Hospital Queue Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1272 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile E-Tuition Management System (A Case Study: Somali Primary and Secondary School) | Flutter/MYSQL |
1273 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for Qur’an Learning System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1274 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application System for Crime Report Management System | JAVAFX/MYSQL |
1275 | Design and Implementation of an Online Account Holder’s Information System for Microfinance | JSP/MYSQL |
1276 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Supermarket Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1277 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based Tourism Information and Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
1278 | Design and Implementation of an Online Project Defense Grading System | PHP/MYSQL |
1279 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal E-Post Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1280 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Hospital Space Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1281 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Case Scheduling System for Court of Law | PHP/MYSQL |
1282 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Delivery System for Cosmetics and Personal Care | Flutter/MYSQL |
1283 | Design and Implementation of an Online Village Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1284 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Inventory Management System for Construction Material | JSP/MYSQL |
1285 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Internet Café Timer and Monitoring System | JAVA/MYSQL |
1286 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Business Record Keeping System | ANDROID |
1287 | Design and Implementation of an Online Bookstore With EPayment Integration System | JSP/MYSQL |
1288 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Claim Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1289 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Taxi Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1290 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Qardul Hassan Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1291 | Design and Implementation of an Android Car Plate Number Registration & Identification System | ANDROID |
1292 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Wedding Dresses Store Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1293 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Diagnostic Expert System for Kidney Diseases | PHP/MYSQL |
1294 | Design and Implementation of an Online School Supervision Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1295 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Health Shopping Portal with Product Recommendation System | PHP/MYSQL |
1296 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based Bus Ticket Reservation Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
1297 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Vegetable Shop Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
1298 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Library Offense Documentation System | PHP/MYSQL |
1299 | Design and Implementation of an Online Garden Management System (A Case Study: Darusalam Garden) | PHP/MYSQL |
1300 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Pharmacy Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
1301 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Air force Management System | ANDRIOD |
1302 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Education Magazine Information System | ANDRIOD |
1303 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Slaughter House Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1304 | Design and Implementation of an Online Legal Practitioners Representation System | PHP/MYSQL |
1305 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Fertilizer Recommendation System for Formers | PHP/MYSQL |
1306 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Stock Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1307 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Patient Follow-Up Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1308 | Design and Implementation of an Online Thesis Archiving Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1309 | Design and Implementation of an Online Job Search Portal Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1310 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Water Billing Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1311 | Design and Implementation of an Android Football Stadium Ticket Reservation & Acquisition System | ANDRIOD |
1312 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Water Supply Distribution Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1313 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based Airport Taxation Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
1314 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Cash Payment Management System | JAVA/MYSQL |
1315 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Physiotherapy Clinic Center Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1316 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Cake Shop Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1317 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Bakery Shop Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1318 | Design and Implementation of an Online Flight & Shipping Logistics Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1319 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Patient Appointment and Scheduling System | PHP/MYSQL |
1320 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Employee Transportation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1321 | Design and Implementation of Web Portal E-Procurement System for Kaahiye Market | JSP/MYSQL |
1322 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Loan Approval Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1323 | IoT-Based Smart Health Monitoring System for COVID-19 Patients | IoT |
1324 | Design and Implementation of Web Based Voting System for the Election of Students | JSP/MYSQL |
1325 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Civil Service Recruitment System | PHP/MYSQL |
1326 | Design and Implementation of a Web Secure Lawyer Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1327 | Design and Implementation of an Online Football Youth Academy Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1328 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Hair Transplant Clinic Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1329 | Design and Implementation of a Computerized Online Monetary Transection System | JSP/MYSQL |
1330 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Student ID-Card Processing and Information System | C#/SQL |
1331 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Vehicle Parking Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1332 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Foam Factory Production Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1333 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Fruit Shop Management System | C#/SQL |
1334 | Design and Implementation of an Online Pizza Ordering Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1335 | Design and Implementation of an Online System for Domestic Flight Customer Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1336 | Design and Implementation of an Android Bus Ticket Reservation Management System | ANDROID |
1337 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Class Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1338 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Employee Transportation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1339 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Print Press Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1340 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based a Medical Test Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1341 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Homeless Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1342 | Design and Implementation of an Online Somali Referee Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1343 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Grocery Store Management System | ANDROID |
1345 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Staff Promotion Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1346 | Design and Implementation of an Online Vaccination Information and Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1347 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Sports House Shop Management System | C#/MSSQL |
1348 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Advertisement Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1349 | Design and Implementation of an Online Student Monitoring Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1350 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based football Tournaments System for Somali Football Federation | PHP/MYSQL |
1351 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Drug Procurement & Distribution Trucking System | ANDROID |
1352 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Warehouse Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1353 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Traffic Offence Documentation Management System | ANDROID |
1354 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Secondhand Book Buying and Selling System | JSP/MYSQL |
1355 | Design and Implementation of an Online E-Tuition Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1356 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Class MS | JSP/MYSQL |
1357 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Unemployment Rate Monitoring Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1358 | Design and Implementation of Billboard Advertising Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1359 | Design and Implementation of an Online Photographer Booking Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1360 | Design and Implementation of an Online Book Club Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1361 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Event Booking Management System | ANDROID |
1362 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Livestock Marketplace Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1363 | Design and Implementation of an Online Customer Complain Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1364 | Design and Implementation of an Android District Administration Management System | ANDROID |
1365 | Design and Implementation of an Automatic Street Lighting System Using IoT | IoT |
1366 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Cargo Transportation Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1367 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal E-Fuel Station Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1368 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Multi-vendors ecommerce System | PHP/MYSQL |
1369 | Design and Implementation of an Online Vehicle Sales Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1370 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Bajaj Rental Management System | ANDROID |
1371 | Design and Implementation of an Online Tourism and Travel Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1372 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Lecturer’s Evaluation Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1373 | Design and Implementation of an Online Staff Remuneration System | JSP/MYSQL |
1374 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Bookstore with Epayment Integration System | PHP/MYSQL |
1375 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Boarding School Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1376 | Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Loan Approval Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1377 | Design and Implementation of an Online Sales Management System for Somali Checking Company | JSP/MYSQL |
1378 | Design and Implementation of a Desktop Student Complain Management System (UNISO Student Affairs Office) | C#/MSSQL |
1379 | Design and Implementation of an Android Charity Information and Management System | ANDROID |
1380 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Pharmacy and Clinic Center Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1381 | Design and Implementation of Livestock Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1382 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Discussion Forum System | PHP/MYSQL |
1383 | Design and Implementation of an Online Retail Purchase and Tracking System | JSP/MYSQL |
1384 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Human Payroll and Task Lifecycle System | PHP/MYSQL |
1385 | Design and Implementation of an Android Money Management System for Expenses Planning | ANDROID |
1386 | Design and Implementation of an Android Helpdesk Information System | ANDROID |
1387 | Design and Implementation of an Online Notes Sharing Platform System | PHP/MYSQL |
1388 | Design and Implementation of an Android Marriage Registration Management System | ANDROID |
1389 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Evaluation of Academic Performance Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1390 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Football Youth Academy Management Information System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1391 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Production Scheduler Management Information System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1392 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Visa Processing and Follow-Up Management Information System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1393 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Greenhouse Vegetable Crops Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1394 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Human Payroll and Task Life Cycle Management Information System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1395 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Project Portfolio Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1396 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Franchise Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1397 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Exam Invigilation Management Information System | Android/MYSQL |
1398 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Wedding Hall Booking & Reservation Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1399 | Design and Implementation of an Online Livestock Marketplace Management System | JSP/MYSQL |
1400 | Design and Implementation of an Online Remittance Information and Management System | ASP.NET/MSSQL |
1401 | Design and Implementation of an Online Immigration Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1402 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Traditional Herbal Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1403 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for Ice Cream Shop Management System | Android/MYSQL |
1404 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Foam Factory Production Management System | ASP.NET/MSSQL |
1405 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Car Rental Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1406 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Stock Management System for Business Record Keeping & Tracking | JSP/MYSQL |
1407 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Banking Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1408 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based for Employee Retirement Management Information System | Android/MYSQL |
1409 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Patient followUp Management Information System | Android/MYSQL |
1410 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Loan Scheme Management Information System | Android/MYSQL |
1411 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Post & Cargo Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1412 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Museum Management Information System for Somali Culture & History | Android/MYSQL |
1413 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Fruit Shop Management Information System | Android/MYSQL |
1414 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based House Clearning Service Management System | Android/MYSQL |
1415 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Scholarship Management Information System | ASP.NET/MSSQL |
1416 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Car Selling Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1417 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Distributor Management Information System | ASP.NET/MSSQL |
1418 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based FootBall Stadium Management Information System | ASP.NET/MSSQL |
1419 | Design and Implementation of an Online Banking Service Complain Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1420 | Design and Implementation of an Online Payrol Management Information System for Hospitality Industry | PHP/MYSQL |
1421 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Census Citizenship Management Information System | ASP.NET/MSSQL |
1422 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Auto Spare Parts Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1423 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based for Employee Vacation Management Information System | Android/MYSQL |
1424 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Print Press Management Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1425 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Daily Expenses Tracking Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1426 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based for Football Team Management System | Android/MYSQL |
1427 | Design and Implementation of an Online Automated School Time Table Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1428 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Staff Attendance Monitoring Information System | Android/MYSQL |
1429 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Discusion Forum for Lecturer & Student System | Android/MYSQL |
1430 | Design and Implementation of an Online Contract Management Information System | ASP.NET/MSSQL |
1431 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Covid 19 Test Information System | Android/MYSQL |
1432 | Design and Implementation of an Online Time Management and Reservation System for E-Library | PHP/MYSQL |
1433 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Noticeboard Management Information System | JSP/MYSQL |
1434 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Discipline Management Information System | ASP.NET/MSSQL |
1435 | Design and Implementation of an Online Appointment System for Ministry of Higher Education | PHP/MYSQL |
1436 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Environmental Senitation Billing Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1437 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Health Consultation and Medical Subscription System | Android/MYSQL |
1438 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Taxation Monitoring Management System | Android/MYSQL |
1439 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for UNISO Student Attendance System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1440 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Admission and Result Checking System for Higher Education | Flutter/MYSQL |
1441 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Job Search Engine Management System | Android/MYSQL |
1442 | Design and Implementation of an Online Customer Relationship Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1443 | Design and Implementation of an IoT Security Applied on a Smart Door Lock Application | IoT |
1444 | Design and Implementation of an Online UNISO Student Alumni Information and Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1445 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Account Holders Information System for Microfinance Bank | Android/MYSQL |
1446 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Unemployment Rate and Monitoring System | Android/MYSQL |
1447 | Design and Implementation of an Android Based Gift Shop Management System | Android/MYSQL |
1448 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Wallet with Marchant Payment System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1449 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Booking University Sport Venues Information System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1450 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Automated Examination Paper Generation System | PHP/MYSQL |
1451 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Expert Diet Prescription System | PHP/MYSQL |
1452 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Wedding Dress Store Management System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1453 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Child Vaccination Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1454 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Point of Sale Management Informaiton System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1455 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Employee Leave Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1456 | Design and Implementation of an E-Voting Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1457 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Digital Library Management Information Sytem | PHP/MYSQL |
1458 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for UNISO Faculties Sports Events Management System | Flutter/MYSQL |
1459 | Design and Implementation of a Web Application for Construction and Building Material Management Information System | ASP.NET/MSSQL |
1460 | Design and Implementation of an Online Human Resource Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1461 | Design and Implementation a Web Based Travel and Tourism Agency Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1462 | Design and Implementation of an Online Waste Collection Service Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1463 | Design and Implementation of a Web Based Blood Bank Management Information System | PHP/MYSQL |
1464 | Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Laundry Management System | PHP/MYSQL |
1465 | Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for Employee Attendance System with QR SCAN | Flutter/MYSQL |