These thesis titles have already been graduated in UNISO. The aim is to avoid unintentional replication . The list is organized by the Somali Researchers Association (SRA)

#List of TopicsTechnology
1Student Registration ApplicationAndroid
2Online Dry Lemon Management System  (soman)PHP/MYSQL
3Online Car Seller Management SystemASP.NET /SQL
4Mobile Dictionary ApplicationAndroid
5Basic Islamic Quiz SystemAndroid
6Eye – Care Management SystemVB.NET/SQL
7Ii Haay Mobile  ApplicationAndroid
8Ant – Theft Mobile ApplicationAndroid
9Mobile Expenses  Analyzer Android
10Public Relationship For Million SystemASP.NET
11Rehabilitation Management System   C#/SQL
12Sports News Mobile ApplicationAndroid 
13Online Agriculture Machinery ServiceASP.NET/SQL
14Customer Complaint SystemAndroid 
15Player Club Quiz Android 
16Mobile Quran ApplicationAndroid
17Citizen Registration SystemAndroid
18Airport Management SystemJava / SQL
19Personal Task ManagerAndroid
20Online Birth and Death Registration For of (Banadir Region)PHP/MYSQL
21Online Futsal Management SystemASP.NET/SQL
22Online Seles Refurbished Management System For ElectronicsASP.NET/SQL
23Somali Livestock Export Management SystemVB.NET/SQL
24Online Air Ticket Booking Management SystemASP.NET/SQL
25Online Inventory Management System (Hass Petroleum)ASP.NET/SQL
26Orphan Management SystemC# / SQL
27Mobile Voting SystemAndroid
28Online Sales & Repairing For Solar  Electronic Power SystemASP.NET/SQL
29Match Making Management System Using Android ApplicationAndroid
30Online ICT Sales Software’s Management  SystemASP.NET/SQL
31Online Vehicle Booking Management SystemASP.NET/SQL
32Laundry Management SystemVB.NET/SQL
33Vehicle Traffic Management SystemAndroid
34Online Digital TV Card Control SystemASP.NET/SQL
35Online Street Building Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
36Online Barber Management SystemASP.NET/SQL
37Online Health Status Recommendation System PHP/MYSQL
38Gas Agency Management SystemAndroid
39Hotel Management SystemC#/SQL
40Online Laboratory Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
41Online CV Builder Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
42Sales Management System (SAFI Honey)C#/MYSQL
43Boat Rental Reservation Management SystemVB/SQL
44Online Tailor Management System (Mogdishu Tailor)PHP/MYSQL
45Online Car Wash Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
46Sales Management System For Traditional CultureC#/SQL
47Petrol Station Management System C#/SQL
48Somali Navy Management System C#/SQL
49Apartment Rental Management System C#/SQL
50Dynamic Multi Point (IBS)GNS3
51District Civil Registration Management System C#/SQL
52Online Work shift Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
53Online Guest House Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
54Distributor Management System for Tians Group Com.C#/SQL
55Land Border Control MSPHP/MYSQL
56Online ZOO Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
57Online GYM Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
58Online Somali Culture registration Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
59Online House Selling Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
60Immigration Information Management SystemC#/SQL
61Online Employee Retirement Information System PHP/MYSQL
62Online Inventory Management System (Shakir Form Factor)PHP/MYSQL
63Online Domain Registration Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
64Online Inventory Management System (Somane Bajaj Com)PHP/MYSQL
65Driving School Management System (Somali Driving & Traffic School)PHP/MYSQL
66Online Sales Construction Material Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
67Blood Bank Management SystemC#/SQL
68Sales Management System (Shakir Tire Company)C#/SQL
69Online Alumni Information Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
70Online Khat Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
71Online House Taxation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
72Staff Leave Management SystemC#/SQL
73Sales Management System (Mogdishu Fishing Company)VB/SQL
74IPV6 Tunneling Over IPV4 Network (Dual-Stack)GNS3
75Charcoal Export Management SystemVB/SQL
76Online Student Recommendation Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
77Online Cyber Café Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
78Online Sales Management System (Xamar Boats Company)PHP/MYSQL
79Online Cloud Storage SystemPHP/MYSQL
80Online Bill Payment MS (BECO Company)JSP/MYSQL
81Inter VLAN for UNISO DepartmentGNS3
82Online Sesame Delivery Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
83Online Airport Taxation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
84Bus Reservation Management SystemC#/SQL
85Online Computer LAB Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
86Online Import Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
87Online Staff Leave Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
88Online Seaport Taxation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
89Online Car Rental Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
90Online Hospital Staff Management SystemASP/SQL
91Online Weapon Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
92Online Logistic Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
93Online Cosmetics Shopping Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
94Online NGO’s Management SystemASP/SQL
95Banana Delivery Management SystemC#/SQL
96Online Mailing System (UNISO) JSP/MYSQL
97D I D Services Provider (UNITEL Telecommunication)VB/SQL
98Online Student Feedback Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
99Online Life Insurance Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
100Mobile Application for Smart Restaurant (Alpha Rest )Android
101Online Event Management System (7 Star)ASP/SQL
102Online Mobile Team Assistant Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
103Hotel Reservation Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
104Refugee Management SystemC#/SQL
105Restaurant Management SystemC#/SQL
106Online Charcoal Export Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
107GYM Management SystemAndroid
108Online Lecturer Support SystemPHP/MYSQL
109Car Plate Management System (Ministry of Finance)C#/MYSQL
110Sales Management System (Bar Ubax Bakery Company)C#/SQL
111Online National Identity Registration Management SystemASP/SQL
112Remittance Management SystemVB/SQL
113Online Course Material Distribution Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
114Online Beauty Salon Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
115Online Refugee Resettlement Management SystemPHP & MYSQL
116Online Lecturer Attendance Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
117Online Notary Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
118Online Vehicle insurance Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
119Online Customer Care Information System (Mog Cable)PHP/MYSQL
120Online Theatre Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
121Online Un-employment  Record Information SystemPHP/SQL
122Sesame Delivery Management SystemC#/SQL
123Online Post and Cargo Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
124Online Dry Milk Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
125Budget Planning and Controlling Management SystemC#/SQL
126Online Student Registration Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
127Online Kinder Garden Management SystemASP/SQL
128Garden Management System (Berta Xuriyadda)C#/SQL
129Online Khuruj Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
130Poultry Management System (Somali Poultry)C#/SQL
131Online Appointment Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
132Online Rehabilitation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
133VLAN Inter ConnectivityPacket Tracer
134Online Ultrasound Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
135Online Fundraising Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
136Air force information SystemC#/SQL
137Online Blood Donation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
138Payroll Management SystemC#/SQL
139Mobile App For UNISO Admission Android
140Online Vaccination Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
141Online Auto generate Scheduling Management System PHP/MYSQL
142Nutrition Management System (WFP)C#/SQL
143Online Motion Management System PHP/MYSQL
144Online Graduation Projects Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
145Online Football Club Information System (LLPP Janyo)JSP/MYSQL
146Online Sales Management System (Bader Computer)JSP/MYSQL
147Online Gas Agency Management System (Som Gas Comp)JSP/MYSQL
148Online Somali Senator Management System PHP/MYSQL
149Social Network Site For UNISOJSP/MYSQL
150Online Refugee Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
151Online Remittance Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
152Online Hygiene Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
153Online Second Hand Books Selling Management System PHP/MYSQL
154Online Campus Management System (OGR Campus)PHP/MYSQL
155Online Slaughter House Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
156Securing Dahabshil Bank Branches with VPNPack Tracer
157Online Hotel Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
158Online Traditional Culture Management SystemJSP/SQL
159Online Airline Reservation Management SystemASP/SQL
160Online Examination Result Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
161Online Somali National Army Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
162Online Parking Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
163Sales Management System (Somali Checking)C#/SQL
164Studio Management SystemC#/SQL
165Online Library Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
166Online Hostel Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
167Online Habeeb Mental Health Center MSPHP/MYSQL
168Jenyo Club Information SystemAndroid
169Online Auto Spare parts Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
170Online Human Resource Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
171Online Student Attendance Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
172Online Murabaha of Different Bank Customer Info. SystemPHP/MYSQL
173Online Drug Information Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
174Online Inventory Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
175National Identity Registration information SystemC#/SQL
176Car Accident Information Management (Fisha Trafiic)C#/MYSQL
177Examination Result Information SystemAndroid
178Online Livestock Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
179Stadium Management SystemC#/SQL
180Online Schools Supervision Information System (FPNS)PHP/MYSQL
181Sales Management System (Horyal Ice Cream)C#/SQL
182Online Eye-Car Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
183Money Exchange Information SystemAndroid
184Car Seller Management SystemC#/SQL
185Online Garage Management System PHP/MYSQL
186Bakery Management SystemAndroid
187Online Personal Holiday Planning Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
188Kinder garden Management SystemC#/SQL
189Online Student Depression Management System PHP/MYSQL
190Online Internet Service Provider MS For Globel InternetPHP/MYSQL
191Online Personal Expense Trucking Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
192Online Som Printing Information Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
193Zakat Calculation Management SystemAndroid
194Online Student Union Performance Appraisal MSPHP/MYSQL
195Course Evaluation Management SystemAndroid
196Online Payroll Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
197Real Estate Management SystemC#/SQL
198Online Police Registration Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
199CV Builder Information SystemAndroid
200Online Complain Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
201Online Boat Rental Reservation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
202Mobile Car Rental Information ApplicationAndroid
203Online civil labor  information SystemPHP/MYSQL
204Online Outpatient Department MSPHP/MYSQL
205Crime Record Management SystemC#/SQL
206Mobile Traffic Information ApplicationAndroid
207Mobile Hotel Reservation Management SystemAndroid
208Inpatient Department MS (Bendir Hospital)C#/SQL
209Air Ticket Booking ApplicationAndroid
210Online Court Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
211Mobile Blood Bank Information SystemAndroid
212Lecturer Attendance Information SystemAndroid
213Small Business Network Design with Secure E-commerce serverGNS3
214Online Lecturer Evaluation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
215Mobile Inventory Tracker information ApplicationAndroid
216Rental House Management SystemC#/SQL
217Online Dental Clinic Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
218Online Civil Registration Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
219Mobile Laboratory Information ApplicationAndroid
220Mobile File Transfer ApplicationAndroid
221Online Medical store Management SystemJSP/Mysql
222Mobile InPatient Tracker Information Application Android
223Sales MS For Medical EquipmentC#/SQL
224Mobile Faculty Portal With Graphical ReportingAndroid
225Online House Building Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
226Online Survey School Management System (SAFE)JSP/MYSQL
227Car Rental Management SystemC#/SQL
228Online Prison Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
229Alumni Information SystemAndroid
230Mobile Crime Report Management SystemAndroid
231Mobile Bluetooth Chatting ApplicationAndroid
232Mobile Electric Bill Payment ApplicationAndroid
233Online Air force information SystemPHP/MYSQL
234Mobile Car Parking Booking Management SystemAndroid
235Online Radio Program Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
236Mobile Customer Relationship Management SystemAndroid
237Mobile Hotel Reservation Management ApplicationAndroid
238Online Education Care Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
239Online Personal Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
240Mobile Food Ordering ApplicationAndroid
241Mobile Tour & Travel Agency ApplicationAndroid
242Mobile Smart Health Consultant ApplicationAndroid
243Online Food Ordering Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
244Mobile Vehicle Booking ApplicationAndroid
245Online Barber Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
246Mobile Cosmetic Shopping Management System Android
247Mobile PC chatting  & image sharing applicationAndroid
248Online Banana Delivery Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
249E-Learning System For UNISOJSP/MYSQL
250Student Faculty Document Sharing ApplicationAndroid
251Online Stationary Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
252Mobile Call Blocking ApplicationAndroid
253Online Sales Management System For Medical EquipmentPHP/MYSQL
254Online Task Manager ApplicationASP.NET/SQL
255Mobile Radio Program Management SystemAndroid
256Online Hygiene MS For Hodan District JSP/MYSQL
257Mobile Sales Furniture MS For Kaba-Qori CompanyANDROID
258Online Mogadishu Security Info. Sharing System For Ministry of SecurityPHP/MYSQL
259Mobile Cash Control Management SystemANDROID
260Online School Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
261Online Sales & Repairing MS for Kamil Computer CompanyJSP/MYSQL
262Online TV Content Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
263Refugee Resettlement Managements SystemJAVA/MYSQL
264Mobile Smart Gift Delivery Management SystemANDROID
265Online Schools Supervision Info. System For SAFEJSP/MYSQL
266Mobile Logistic Information Management SystemANDROID
267Online Internet Service Provider MS for DELCOMJSP/MYSQL
268Online Distributor Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
269Mobile Smart Student Consultant Management SystemANDROID
270Mobile Somali Football League Information SystemANDROID
271Online Post Office MS for Delta ExpertsJSP/MYSQL
272Online Loan Management System  (SALAM BANK)JSP/MYSQL
273Online Hall Event Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
274Online Traffic Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
275Online Electric Billing Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
276Online Auto Generate Scheduling Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
277Online Civil Labor Info. System for Ministry of Labor & employmentJSP/MYSQL
278Online Hospital Staff Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
279Online Stadium Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
280Online Hotel Reservation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
281Online Bricks Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
282Mobile Life Insurance Management SystemANDROID
283Mobile Petrol Station Management SystemANDROID
284Online Rehabilitation Management SystemJSP/MYQSL
285Online appointment Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
286Online Cash Payment MS For Tawakal ExpressJSP/MYSQL
287Mobile Livestock Export Management SystemANDROID
288Mobile Building House Management SystemANDROID
289Mobile Immigration Info. Management SystemANDROID
290Mobile Asset Management System For UNISOANDROID
291Mobile Smart Drug Information Management SystemANDROID
292Online House Rental Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
293Online Electric Management System Blue Sky CompanyPHP/MYSQL
294Online Criminal Investigation Tracker with Suspect predictionPHP/MYSQL
295Online Employee Recruiting Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
296Online Sales MS For Salim Stationary CompanyPHP/MYSQL
297Online Scholarship MS for UNISOJSP/MYSQL
298Online Land Distribution Info. System for Ministry of interiorPHP/MYSQL
299Online Ultrasound Department Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
300Online Somali National Army MS for Ministry of DefenseJSP/MYSQL
301Online Radio Program Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
302Online Resettlement Info. System For UNISO EmployeesJSP/MYSQL
303Mobile Fuel Station Management SystemANDROID
304E- Courier & Delivery SystemJSP/MYSQL
305Online Sales Construction Material Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
306Agriculture Information MS for Ministry of AgricultureC#/SQL
307Online Beauty Salon MS for Farhiya Huno Beauty SalonJSP/MYSQL
308Online Sales MS for Mogadishu Fishing CompanyJSP/MYSQL
309Mobile Refugee Management SystemANDROID
310Mobile Barber Management SystemANDROID
311Online Employee Retirement Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
312E-Election Association For UNISOSUJSP/MYSQL
313Online Nutrition Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
314Online Cyber cafe MS for SOMNETJSP/MYSQL
315Online Job Vacancy Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
316Online Sales MS For Horyal ICE –CreamPHP/MYSQL
317Mobile House Rental Management SystemANDROID
318Wedding Planning Information SystemC#/SQL
319Online Sales Furniture Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
320Drug Information Management SystemC#/SQL
321Spare parts Management SystemC#/SQL
322E – Gift Delivery SystemJSP/MYSQL
323Online Customer Care Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
324Online Marketing Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
325Online Seaport Taxation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
326Online Employee Vacation MS for UNISO HR DepartmentJSP/MYSQL
327Online Smart Doctor for Polio DiseasesJSP/MYSQL
328Online child Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
329Mobile Notary Management SystemANDROID
330Mobile Event Management SystemANDROID
331Online UNISO Discussion ForumJSP/MYSQL
332Mobile Internet Service Provide Management SystemANDROID
333UNISO Employee Vacation Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
334Online UNISO Student Affairs MSPHP/MYSQL
335Online House Building Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
336Online Movie Ticket Booking Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
337Online Somali Plastic Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
338Mobile Loan Management System for Amal BankANDROID
339Mobile Library Management SystemANDROID
340Online Bio-Lingual Library SystemJSP/MYSQL
341Mobile Smart Election For UNISO Student UnionANDROID
342Online Inventory MS For Medical EquipmentPHP/MYSQL
343Online Airline Reservation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
344Cosmetics Shopping MSC#/SQL
345Mobile Child Monitoring SystemANDROID
346Online Ambulance Service Provider Info. SystemPHP/MYSQL
347Online Conference Information MSJSP/MYSQL
348Online student Recommendation info. SystemJSP/MYSQL
349Online Sales MS For SAFI Honey CompanyJSP/MYSQL
350Online Sales MS for Traditional CultureJSP/MYSQL
351Online Test Bank Management System For CSPHP/MYSQL
352Online Medical store Management SystemJSP/Mysql
353Online Airplane Reservation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
354Mobile Crime Report & Missing Person FinderANDROID
355Mobile orphan Management SystemANDROID
356Mobile Post & Cargo Management SystemANDROID
357Online Tailor Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
358Online Sales MS ( darura Jawlery )JSP/MYSQL
359Online Studio Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
360Online Budget planning & Controlling MSJSP/MYSQL
361Online Immigration Info. SystemJSP/MYSQL
362Mobile Boat Crossing Game ApplicationANDROID
363Online Student Discipline Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
364Mobile Smart City TravelerANDROID
365Airplane Reservation MSC#/SQL
366Online Task Manager SystemJSP/MYSQL
367Ambulance Service Provider Information System C#/SQL
368Mobile Hajj Guiding SystemANDROID
369Online Lecturer Support SystemJSP/MYSQL
370Sales MS For Medical EquipmentC#/SQL
371Online Banking Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
372Mobile Video Encryption and Sharing ApplicationANDROID
373Online Life Insurance Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
374Online Real Estate Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
375Online Finance Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
376Mobile Driving School Ms For Mogadishu Driving & TrafficANDROID
377Mobile Car Accident Management SystemANDROID
378Online Car Wash Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
379Mobile Stadium Management SystemANDROID
380Mobile Bank Investment Management SystemANDROID
381Online Zakat Calculation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
382Inventory MS (Bader Electronic Company)JAVA/MYSQL
383Healthcare Provider Information System for MCHC#/SQL
384Mobile Water Supply Management SystemANDROID
385Bank Management SystemC#/SQL
386Mobile Book Store Information SystemANDRIOD
387Online Weapon MS For Ministry of DefenseJSP/MYSQL
388Online Student Consultation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
389Online Export charcoal Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
390Online sport MS for UNISO FacultiesPHP/MYSQL
391Online House Taxation MS For Ministry of Finance JSP/MYSQL
392Mobile Blood Donation Management SystemANDRIOD
393Online traditional Herbal Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
394Online Personal Holiday Planning Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
395Mobile UNISO Student Complain Management SystemANDROID
396Online Police Community Relationship MSPHP/MYSQL
397Mobile Dental Clinic Management SystemANDROID
398Agriculture Machinery Service Management SystemC#/SQL
399Mobile Customer Care Information SystemANDROID
400Electric Management System for Mogadishu Power SupplyC#/SQL
401Online Asset Management System for UNISOJSP/MYSQL
402Online Sales MS For Somali Plastic FactoryPHP/MYSQL
403Online Staff Housing Management System for UNISOJSP/MYSQL
404Garden Management System For the Freedom of GardenC#/SQL
405Mobile Smart Job Vacancy Management SystemANDROID
406Mobile Inventory Tracker  MSANDRIOD
407Online Dry Lemon MS For Dayah Company JSP/MYSQL
408Online Tomato Delivery Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
409Mobile School Bus Tracking Information SystemANDROID
410Court Information Management SystemC#/SQL
411Mobile Business Directory Information SystemANDROID
412Mobile Graduation project Management System For CSANDROID
413Mobile Smart Bus Ticket Information SystemANDROID
415Online Bank Investment Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
416Online Air Force MS for Ministry of DefenseJSP/MYSQL
417Mobile Education Care Information SystemANDROID
418Mobile Hostel Management SystemANDROID
419Online Poultry MS for Somali Poultry CompanyJSP/MYSQL
420Library Management System For UNISOC#/SQL
421Online X-ray Dep. Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
422Online Somali Navy Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
423Online Health care Service Provider for MCHPHP/MYSQL
424E-Voting System for Somali ParliamentJSP/MYSQL
425Online ICT Sales Software Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
426Online Garden MS for the Freedom of GardenPHP/MYSQL
427Online Disaster MS for Ministry of DisasterPHP/MYSQL
428Mobile Student Attendance Management SystemANDROID
429Online Theatre MS For Mogadishu City TheatreJSP/MYSQL
430Online Personal Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
431Employee Training Tracking Management SystemC#/SQL
432Online UNISO Employee Recruiting Managements SystemPHP/MYSQL
433Online Petrol Station Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
434ZOO Management SystemC#/SQL
435Online Apartment Rental Management SystemASP.NET/SQL
436Online Notary Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
437Online Nutrition Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
438Online Boat Rental Reservation Management SystemASP.NET/SQL
439Mobile Second Hand Book Selling Management SystemANDROID
440Online Water Supply Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
441Fundraising Management SystemC#/SQL
442Mobile Seaport MS for Ministry of PortANDROID
443Online Blood Bank Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
444Online Tourism Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
445Mobile Prison MS For Central prison in SomaliaANDROID
446E-Health (Online Consultation & Medical Subscription MS)PHP/MYSQL
447Futsal Management SystemC#/SQL
448Mobile Vehicle Insurance MS For Ministry of FinanceANDROID
449Online Car Plate Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
450Mobile Appointment Management SystemANDROID
451Online Airport Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
452Online Money Ex-change Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
453Online Sales Mineral Water Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
454Online Driving School Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
455Online Course Allocation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
456Online Orphan Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
457Online Lost & found People MS for Mogadishu CityJSP/MYSQL
458Mobile Employee Tracker Information SystemANDROID
459Online Crime Report Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
460Online Smart Doctor For Ophthalmological diseasesJSP/MYSQL
461Mobile Garage Management SystemANDROID
462Online Sales Management System for ElectronicsJSP/MYSQL
463Online Eye care MS for Siman Eye HospitalJSP/MYSQL
464Online Refugee Resettlement Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
465Online Sales Management System For Al Medina SupermarketJSP/MYSQL
466Online Auction Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
467Online Job Portal Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
468Examination Result ExplorerC#/ SQL
469Online Bus Reservation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
470Online Advertisement for NOR SignJSP/MYSQL
471Online GYM Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
472Construction Management System For Al Buruj CompanyC#/SQL
473Online Kinder garden Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
474Online Sales Management System (A to Z Sports Company)PHP/MYSQL
475Online Banana Delivery Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
476Mobile  Nutrition Management SystemANDROID
477Mobile Sales MS for Mogadishu Fishing CompanyANDROID
478Mobile Tailor MS For Mogadishu International TailorANDROID
479Online Court Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
480Mobile Hygiene MS For Wadajir DistrictANDROID
481Online X-ray Department Information MSJSP/MYSQL
482Online Immunization Information MSPHP/MYSQL
483Online Somali Navy Information MSJSP/MYSQL
484Online Education Umbrella Info. Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
485Online Knowledge Sharing Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
486Online NGO’s Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
487Online File Sharing Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
488Online Logistic Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
489Online Apartment Rental Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
490Online Traffic Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
491Online Campus Management System (KM4 Campus)JSP/MYSQL
492Online Seles Refurbished Management System For ElectronicsJSP/MYSQL
493Online Sesame Delivery Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
494Online glossary Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
495Mobile Campus Management SystemAndroid
496Mobile Lecturer Supporting SystemAndroid
497Mobile Cosmetics Shopping MSAndroid
498Online Course Material Distribution SystemJSP/MYSQL
499Mobile Discussion forum ApplicationAndroid
500Online Travel Agency Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
501Mobile Personal Information SystemAndroid
502Online School Roster Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
503Online Employee Vacation MS for UNISO HR DepartmentPHP/MYSQL
504Mobile Banana Delivery Management SystemAndroid
505Mobile House Taxation Management SystemAndroid
506Mobile Ambulance Service Provider info SystemAndroid
507Mobile Tomato Delivery Management SystemAndroid
508E-visa Processing and follow up SystemPHP/MYSQL
509Mobile Human Resource Information SystemAndroid
510Online Futsal Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
511Online Doctor Appointment Booking SystemPHP/MYSQL
512Mobile Budget Planning and Controlling SystemAndroid
513Mobile E-Voting SystemAndroid
514Online Fundraising Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
515Mobile Student Recommendation MSAndroid
516Online Loan Application and Verification SystemJSP/MYSQL
517Mobile Refugee Resettlement MSAndroid
518Mobile Auction Management SystemAndroid
519Mobile Airplane Reservation MSAndroid
520Online Wedding Planning information SystemJSP/MYSQL
521Online Education Magazine info Sys for FPENSJSP/MYSQL
522Mobile School Supervision info SystemAndroid
523Mobile Theatre Booking ApplicationAndroid
524Online Parking Booking SystemJSP/MYSQL
525Mobile Scholarship MS for UNISOAndroid
526Mobile Employee Recruitment ApplicationAndroid
527Online Wedding Planning Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
528E-Learing Platform using Cloud ComputingJSP/MYSQL
529E-Student’s Training and Placement ApplicationPHP/MYSQL
530E-Health (Online Consultation & Medical Subscription MS)JSP/MYSQL
531Online Automated Faculty Time Table Generation ApplicationJSP/MYSQL
532E-Project Planning ApplicationPHP/MYSQL
533E-Shopping Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
534Mobile Advertisement  Management SystemAndroid
535Event Management System for Peace House HotelC#/MSSQL
536Online Zoo Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
537Lecturer Evaluation Management SystemC#/MSSQL
538Online Customer Complaint Info SysJSP/MYSQL
539Design and Implementation of an Online laundry management systemJSP/MYSQL
540Development of Online Car Accident Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
541Design and Construction of Online Dish Cooking Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
542Development of Web Based Census Citizenship Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
543Automated a Mobile Electric Sales Management SystemANDRIOD
544Design and Implementation of Mobile Ultrasound Department Management SystemANDRIOD
545The Implementation of Online Work Shift Information Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
546Design and Develop an Online Mental Health Care Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
547Integration of Mobile Sales Bakery Management SystemANDRIOD
548Development and Adaptation of E-Visa Processing And Follow up Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
549Developing Online District Civil Registration Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
550Adoption of Mobile Eye-Car Info. Management SystemANDROID
551Design and Implementation Mobile Kinder Garden Information SystemANDRIOD
552Developing Online UNISO Student Affairs Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
553Design and Implementation Online Telephone Billing Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
554Development of an Online Refugee Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
555Adoption of Mobile Smart Doctor For Ophthalmic DiseaseANDRIOD
556Design and Implementation of Online Smart Low  Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
557Adoption of Mobile Knowledge Sharing Information SystemANDRIOD
558Developing of an Online Easy Way Claim Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
559Design and Implementation of Online Import And Export Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
560Design and Implementation of an Online Car Plate Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
561Automated of Mobile Weapon Management For Minister Of DefenceANDRIOD
562Adoption of an Mobile Outpatient management systemANDROID
563Design and Implementation Online Vehicle Booking Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
564Design of Online Personal Expense Trucking Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
565Adoption of an Online Course Portal Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
566Design and Implementation of a Mobile Apartment Rental Management SystemANDROID
567Developing a Mobile Laundry Information ApplicationANDROID
568Develop of a Mobile Lost Fount Information System For Somali PeopleANDRIOD
569Design and Implementation of a Mobile Poultry Information SystemANDRIOD
570Design and Implementation of Online Airplane Reservation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
571Design and Implementation of Online Livestock Export MSPHP/MYSQL
572Design and Development of Employee Mobile Payroll Management SystemANDRIOD
573Developing an Online Agriculture Information Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
574Integration of a Mobile Vaccination Information Management SystemANDRIOD
575Design and Implementation of Online Lecturer Evaluation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
576Developing an Online Sales Jewellery Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
577Design and Implementation of an Online Car Insurance Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
578Automated of a Mobile Zoo Management SystemANDRIOD
579Design and Implementation of an Online UNISO Public Relation informationJSP/MYSQL
580Integration of an Online Hospital Sanitation MSPHP/MYSQL
581Developing of an Online Petrol Station Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
582Design and Developing an Online Library Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
583Developing a Mobile NGO Information Management SystemANDRIOD
584Design and Implementation of a Mobile Slaughter House Management SystemANDRIOD
585Design and Implementation of Mobile Rehabilitation Information SystemANDRIOD
586Design and Implementation of a Mobile Car Wash Management SystemANDRIOD
587Developing a Mobile Doctor Appointment  Management SystemANDRIOD
588Design and Implementation of an Online DRY Milk Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
589Integration of an Online Glossary Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
590Developing of an Online Quiz Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
591Design and Implementation of an Online Car Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
592Design and Developing of an Online Course Allocation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
593Developing an Online Computer LAB Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
594Integration of a Mobile Project Management System FOR NRCANDRIOD
595Developing of a Mobile Wedding Planning Management SystemANDROID
596Design and Implementation of an Online Gas Agency Information Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
597Integration of a Mobile Refugee Management SystemANDRIOD
598Design and Implementation of a Web Based Birth Rate Monitoring Information Record SystemJSP/MYSQL
599Design and Implementation of an Online Immunization Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
600Design and Development of a Mobile Post Office Information Management SystemANDRIOD
601Adaptation of an E-Shopping Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
602Design and Implementation of an Online Garage Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
603Developing a Web Based Restaurant Management systemJSP/MYSQL
604Developing of an Online Second Hand Books selling Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
605Design and Implementation of an Online Hospital Sanitation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
606Design and Implementation of a Computerized Mobile Visa Processing SystemANDROID
607Design and Implementation of a Mobile Student Information System for UNISO Student AffairsANDROID
608Design of an Online Parent Record Keeping and Billing Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
609Mobile Police Registration Information SystemANDROID
610Mobile Charcoal Export ApplicationANDROID
611Design and Implementation of a Computerized Mobile Student Transfer Information SystemANDROID
612Mobile Personal Expense Trucking Information SystemANDROID
613Design and Implementation of a Computerized Veterinary Hospital Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
614A Prototype of Computerized Child Information Management SystemC#/MSSQL
615Design and Implementation of a Computerized Auditing System for Local Government AdministrationC#/MYSQL
616Design and Implementation of an Online Project Plan Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
617Adaptation of a Mobile Court Information ApplicationANDROID
618Developing of an Online Airport Network Flight Scheduler ProjectPHP/MYSQL
619Automated of an Mobile Gas Agency Delivery Information SystemANDROID
620Design and Implementation of an Online Farm Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
621Design and Development of a Mobile Lecturer Evaluation Information SystemANDROID
622A Prototype of a Computerized Vehicle Insurance Management SystemC#/MSSQL
623Design and Implementation of Campus Online Help Desk Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
624Developing of an Online Studio Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
625Adaptation of a Mobile Agriculture Information SystemANDROID
626Developing a Mobile Spare parts Information Management SystemANDROID
627Design and Implementation of a Mobile Boat Rental Reservation Management SystemANDROID
628Design and Implementation of a Mobile Census Citizenship Management System  ANDROID
629Developing of an Online Doctor Appointment Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
630Design and Implementation of an Online Mosque Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
631Design  and Implementation of a Mobile Computer LAB Information SystemANDROID
632Developing of an Mobile Task Monitoring ApplicationANDROID
633Adaptation of a Mobile Student Material Distribution SystemANDROID
634Design and Implementation of a Mobile Futsal Information ApplicationANDROID
635A Prototype of Computerized Life Insurance Information SystemC#/MSSQL
636Developing of an Online Police Community Relationship Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
637Design and Simulation of Secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) Over an Open Network (Internet)PACKET TRACER
638A Mobile Car and Plate Number Registration and Identification System in SomaliaANDROID
639Design and Implementation of an Online Somali Livestock Export Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
640Design and Implementation of an Online Health Care Provider Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
641Adaptation of a Mobile Student Feedback Information SystemANDROID
642Designing and Computerization of an Online Electric Fun Transfer SystemPHP/MYSQL
643Design and Developing of an Online National Identity Registration Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
644Automated a Mobile Team Assessment Information SystemANDROID
645Designing A Computer Software of E – Commerce Web PortalPHP/MYSQL
646Developing a Mobile Import and Export Management SystemANDROID
647Design and Implementation of a Computer Based Seaport Billing SystemC#/MSSQL
648Design and Implementation of an Online Broadcasting Management System for TVJSP/MYSQL
649Design and Implementation of a Computerized Mobile Real Estate Management SystemANDROID
650Adaptation of an Online Land Distribution Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
651A Mobile Geographical Information Retrieval SystemANDROID
652Designing of a Mobile Fundraising Management SystemANDROID
653A Computerized Online Examination System for Staff RecruitmentJSP/MYSQL
654Designing of a Computerized Online Visitor Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
655Design and Implementation of an Online Land Border Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
656Developing of an Online Blood Donation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
657Design and Implementation of an Enhanced Online Goods Transportation SystemPHP/MYSQL
658Design and Implementation of an Online Airport Taxation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
659Design and Implementation of a Mobile Airline Reservation Management SystemANDROID
660Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application Noticeboard For UNISOANDROID
661A Mobile Application of Hotel Management SystemANDROID
662Implementation of a Computerized Online Insurance Application and Registration SystemJSP/MYSQL
663Implementation of an Online Course Registration and Result Processing SystemJSP/MYSQL
664Designing and Implementation of Mobile Cyber Café Billing SystemANDROID
665Developing of a Mobile Studio Management SystemANDROID
666Documentation for an Online Hotel Business Billing SystemJSP/MYSQL
667Design and Implementation of a Computerized Online Student ID-Card Processing SystemPHP/MYSQL
668Design and Developing of a Mobile Courier and Delivery Management SystemANDROID
669Design and Implementation of a Mobile Expert System for Typhoid and Malaria DiagnosisANDROID
670Design and Implementation of Computerized Budget Analysis System (CASE STUDY OF GALMUDUG STATE MINISTRY OF FINANCE)C#/MSSQL
671Design and Implementation of an Online Basketball Stadium Ticket Acquisition and Reservation SystemPHP/MYSQL
672Design and Implementation of a Web Based Auditing System for Financial InstitutionPHP/MYSQL
673Development of an Online Contract Information and Management System for UNISO HR DepartmentJSP/MYSQL
674Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for UNISO Staff Leaving Information SystemANDROID
675Design and Development of a Web Based Market Information System (A CASE STUDY OF MOGADISHU MALL)PHP/MYSQL
676Develop of a Mobile Somali Culture Registration and Information SystemANDROID
677Design and Implementation of a Mobile NGO Information Management SystemANDRIOD
678Automated of an Online Inventory Management System for Daruro Jewellery JSP/MYSQL
679Development of a Computerized Mobile Dry Milk Information Management SystemANDROID
680Design and Implementation of a Mobile X-ray Department Information and Management SystemANDROID
681Design and Implementation of Movie Ticket Reservation SystemC#/MSSQL
682Design and Implementation of Mobile Health Care Provider Information System for MCHANDROID
683Design and Implementation of Online Assignment Submission Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
684Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for Text to Speech/Audio SystemANDROID
685Designing a Computer Software Farm Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
686Design and Implementation A Computerized Animal Drug Inventory Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
687Design and Implementation of a File Sharing Application for AndroidANDROID
688A Prototype of a Computerized Child Abuse Database Management SystemC#/MSSQL
689A Prototype of a Computerized Child Abuse Database Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
690Design and Implementation of Online Admission and Result Checking for a Higher EducationPHP/MYSQL
691Documentation of a Computerized Online Stock Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
692Design and Implement of a Mobile Student Feedback Management SystemANDROID
693Development of a Computerized Web Based OutPatient Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
694Design and Development of Web Based Tax Evaluation System for Civil ServantsPHP/MYSQL
695The Implementation of Online Point of Sales SystemJSP/MYSQL
696The Implantation of Web Based Civil Service Performance Evaluation System (A CASE STUDY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF SOMALIA)PHP/MYSQL
697Automated Database for Online Transcript Generation SystemPHP/MYSQL
698Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Complain Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
699Design and Development of a Mobile Somali Navy Information and Management SystemANDROID
700A Prototype of a Computerized Airline Reservation Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
701Design and Implementation of an Online Market Survey Reporting SystemPHP/MYSQL
702Designing of Land Ownership Documentation Information SystemC#/MSSQL
703Developing of a Web Based Discussion Forum for Computer Science and Engineering DepartmentJSP/MYSQL
704Design and Implementation of a Web Based Case Filling System for Drug Monitoring AgentJSP/MYSQL
705Design and Implementation of  a Mobile Expert System of Medical Diagnosis for  Bacteria Infected IllnesseANDROID
706Design and Implementation of a Computerized Information System for Small EnterprisePHP/MYSQL
707Documentation of a Computerized Mobile Work shift Information Management SystemANDROID
708A Prototype of a Computerized Post Office Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
709Design and Implementation of an Civil Engineering and Electrical Engineering Departments WebsitePHP/MYSQL
710Design and Implementation of  a Computerized Documentation System of Court Proceedings (A CASE STUDY OF FEDERAL HIGH COURT PUTLAND STATE)JAVA/MYSQL
711Design and Development of Computerized Drug Information and Management SystemC#/MSSQL
712Designing of Mobile Somali National Army Information Management SystemANDROID
713Design and Implementation of an Online Information System for Human Right Based OrganizationPHP/MYSQL
714Design and Implementation of an Online Quality Control Information System in Stock ProductPHP/MYSQL
715Design and Implementation of Computerized Economic Growth Monitoring System (CASE STUDY OF FEDERAL MINISTRY OF FINANCE)C#/MSSQL
716Online Inventory Management System for Medical EquipmentJSP/MYSQL
717Online Mineral Water Supply Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
718Implementation of Cement Delivery Record Information SystemC#/MYSQL
719Design and Implementation of an Enhanced Online Quality Assurance Monitoring System for Higher Education InstitutionPHP/MYSQL
720Design and Implementation of an Online Multilingual Chat ApplicationPHP/MYSQL
721Automated of an Online Ambulance Service Provider Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
722Development of a Mobile Stationary Management SystemANDROID
723Design and Implementation of an Online Birth and Death Registration and Information System Using KTC FrameworkKTC Framework
724Development of Mobile Tourism Information SystemANDROID
726Design and Implementation of a Mobile Lost and Fund Child Information SystemANDROID
727Design and Develop of an Online Budget Analysis System (CASE STUDY OF PUTLAND STATE MINISTRY OF FINANCE)JSP/MYSQL
728Development of Mobile Content Management SystemANDROID
729Automated System for Mobile Electronic Money Transfer ApplicationANDROID
730Design and Implementation of Web Based Billing Information System Using KTC FrameworkKTC Framework
731Design of Online Somali Athletic Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
732Design and Implementation of a Mobile Digital Library Information and Management SystemANDROID
733Design and Implementation of Online Cash Receipt Generating System for SupermarketPHP/MYSQL
734Design and Implementation of an Online Population Census Monitoring SystemPHP/MYSQL
735Design and Implementation of Computerized Livestock Information and Management SystemC#/MYSQL
736Design and Development of an Online Drug Verification and Management System (A Case Study of Ministry of Health)PHP/MYSQL
737Design and Implementation of Online Tutorial on Food Cocking SystemPHP/MYSQL
738Design and Implementation of a Mobile Seaport Taxation Information SystemANDROID
739Automated System for Online Agriculture DevelopmentJSP/MYSQL
740Design and Implementation of Online Video Rental Service SystemPHP/MYSQL
741Design and Implementation of a Mobile Job Portal Information and Management SystemANDROID
742Design and Implementation of a web based Inventory Control System Using KTC FrameworkKTC Framework
743Production Control System (A Case Study of Coca-Cola Bottling Company)C#/MYSQL
744Development of Online Second-hand Book Buying & Selling PortalASP.NET/MSSQL
745Design of Mobile Dry lemon Application SystemANDROID
746Implementation of a Mobile Marketing Management SystemANDROID
747Design and Develop of a Mobile Movie Ticket Acquisition and Reservation SystemANDROID
748Design and Implementation of A Mobile Distributed System for Personal SecurityANDROID
749Automated of an Online Clearance System for Graduation StudentPHP/MYSQL
750Design of Computer Based Auction Information Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
751Implementation of an Online Bakery Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
752Integrated Study on The Use of a Computer Web Based Expert System in Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast CancerPHP/MYSQL
753Development of an Online Financial Accounting System for Hotel Industry Using KTC FrameworkKTC Framework
754Design and Implementation of an Online Guest Information Tracking SystemJSP/MYSQL
755Automated System for an Online Solving School Time TableJSP/MYSQL
756Develop of a Web Based Banking Services Complain Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
757Design and Implementation of a web based Test Bank Management System for Computer Science Department Using KTC FrameworkKTC Framework
758Development of an Online Staff Leaving Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
759Design and Implementation of a Web Based Veterinary Hospital Information Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
760Design and Development of Web Based Tax Evaluation System for Civil ServantsJSP/MYSQL
761Design and Implementation of an Online Information System for Human Right Based OrganizationJSP/MYSQL
762Design and Implementation of Computerized Economic Growth Monitoring System (CASE STUDY OF FEDERAL MINISTRY OF FINANCE)PHP/MYSQL
763Design and Develop of an Online Land Ownership Documentation Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
764Design and Implementation of a Web Based Admission and Result Checking for a Higher EducationJSP/MYSQL
765Design and Implement of an Android Mobile Team Assistant Information SystemANDROID
766Design and Develop a Web Based Parent Record Keeping Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
767Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student ID-Card Processing System for UNISOJSP/MYSQL
768Design and Develop of a Mobile Employee Recruiting Information System for UNISO HR DepartmentANDROID
769Design and Develop of a Mobile Mineral Water Supply Information Management SystemANDROID
770Design and Implementation of a Mobile Land Distribution Information SystemANDROID
771Design and Develop of a Web Based Farm Information Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
772Design and Implementation of a Mobile Police Community Relationship Information SystemANDROID
773Design and Implementation of an Online Budget Analysis System (A Case Study Ministry of Finance)PHP/MYSQL
774Design and Develop a Web Based Animal Drug Inventory Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
775Design and Implementation of a Mobile Birth and Death Registration and Information SystemANDROID
776Design and Develop of a Mobile Beauty Salon Information Management SystemANDROID
777Design and Implementation of a Mobile Banking Service Complain Information SystemANDROID
778Design and Develop of a Mobile Telephone Billing Information SystemANDROID
779Design and Implementation of an Enhanced Web Based Quality Assurance Monitoring System for Higher Education InstitutionJSP/MYSQL
780Design and Develop of a Web Based Cash Receipt Generating System for SupermarketJSP/MYSQL
781Design and Implementation of an Online Video Rental Service Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
782Design and Develop of an Online Drug Verification and Management System (A Case Study of Ministry of Health)JSP/MYSQL
783Design and Implementation of a Web Based Basketball Stadium Ticket Acquision and Reservation SystemJSP/MYSQL
784Design and Develop of a Mobile Finance Information Management SystemANDROID
785Design and Implementation of an Online Student Consultant Information Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
786Design and Implementation of a Mobile Vehicle Plate Information SystemANDROID
787Design and Implementation of a computerized Land Distribution Information SystemC#/MSSQL
788Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Performance Forecasting Information and Management System (A Case Study: UNIVERSITY OF SOMALIA)JSP/MYSQL
789Design and Implementation of an E – procurement and logistics Information System (A Case Study: Norwegian Refugee Consul)PHP/MYSQL
790Design and Implementation of a web based Apartment Information and Management System (A Case Study: SAFARI APARTMENT)JSP/MYSQL
791Design and Implementation Secure Web Application Travel Rating and Exploring (A Case Study: AFRICAN EXPRESS AIRWAYS)JSP/MYSQL
792Design and Implementation of an Online Trading Management System (A Case Study: KOBAC GENERAL TRADING COMPANY)JSP/MYSQL
793Design and Implementation of a Web Based Criminal Investigation Tracker with Suspect Prediction (A Case Study: Somali Police Criminal Investigation Department)JSP/MYSQL
794Design and Implementation of a Web Based Electric Information and Management System (A Case Study: Mogadishu Power Supply)PHP/MYSQL
795Design and Implementation of a Web Based Bakery Information and Management System (A Case Study: NAJAX BAKERY)JSP/MYSQL
796Design and Implementation of a  Web Based E-Commerce Information and Management System (A Case Study: ALEEL COMPANY)JSP/MYSQL
797Design and Implementation of a Mobile Hospital Sanitation Information and Management System (A Case Study: Benadir Hospital)ANDROID
798Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Digital Library System (A Case Study: University of Somalia)JSP/MYSQL
799Design and Implementation of a Mobile Video Rental Management System (A Case Study: SAAFI FILMS)ANDROID
800Design and Implementation of an E-Tuition Management System (A Case Study: Imamu Shafici Primary and Secondary School)PHP/MYSQL
801Design and Implementation of a Mobile Alumni Event Information Management System (A Case Study: UNISO ALUMNI STUDENTS)ANDROID
802Design and Implementation of a Mobile Student Faculty Feedback Information System (A Case Study: Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science)ANDROID
803Design and Implementation of a Web Based Project Approval Management System (A Case Study: FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND COMPUTER SCIENCE)PHP/MYSQL
804Design and Implementation of a web based Book Store Information and Management System (A Case Study: BARAKAT BOOK SHOP)JSP/MYSQL
805Design and Implementation of a web based Student Faculty Document Sharing Information System (A Case Study: Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science)PHP/MYSQL
806Design and implementation of an Android based Emergency Alarm and Health Care Management System (A Case Study: UNISO Hospital)ANDROID
807Design and Implementation of a Web Based Inventory Management System (A Case Study: SHAKIR FOAM FACTORY)PHP/MYSQL
808Design and Implementation of an Online Veterinary Hospital Management System (A Case Study:JSP/MYSQL
809Design and Implementation of a Web Based Employee Expenses Information System (UNISO EMPLOYEE)PHP/MYSQL
810Design and Implementation of an Online Health Prediction Management System (A Case Study: KALKAAL SPECIALIST HOSPITAL)PHP/MYSQL
811Design and Implementation of a Web Based Faculty Magazine Information and Management system (A Case Study: Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science)PHP/MYSQL
812Design and Implementation of an E – Fuel Booking Information and Management System (A Case Study: HASS FUEL STATION)JSP/MYSQL
813Design and Implementation of a Mobile Remittance Information and Management System (A Case Study: TAAJ MONEY TRANSTER)ANDROID
814Design and Implementation of a Web Based Event Attendance Information and Management System (A Case Study: PIZZA HOUSE)PHP/MYSQL
815Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Monitoring Information and Management System (A Case Study: UNISO STUDENT AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT)PHP/MYSQL
816Design and Implementation of an online Automated Exam Seating Arrangement Management System (A Case Study: UNISO EXAMINATION DEPARTMENT)PHP/MYSQL
817Design and Implementation of a web based Bus Ticket Information and Management System ( A Case Study: EL ALI TRAVEL & CARGO AGENCY)JSP/MYSQL
818Design and Implementation of a web based Hotel Business Billing Information Management System (A Case Study: SAFARI HOTEL)PHP/MYSQL
819Design and Implementation of a Mobile Lost and Found People Information and Management System (A Case Study: Mogadishu City)ANDROID
820Design and Implementation of a Web Based Retail Purchase and Tracking SystemPHP/MYSQL
821Design and Implementation of a Mobile Farming Information and Management System (A Case Study: AL FARAJ GROUP AND FAMILY FARM)ANDROID
822Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal for Real Estate and Property Management System (A Case Study:  Guryo Bile Company)PHP/MYSQL
824Design and Implementation of a Web Based Airport Information and Management System (A Case Study: Adam Abdulle Osman Airport, Mogadishu)PHP/MYSQL
825Design and Implementation of an E-SCM: Supply Chain Management Solutions for a distribution CompanyJSP/MYSQL
826Design and Implementation of A Web Based Production Control and Information System (A Case Study: Al Khairat Group of Companies)PHP/MYSQL
827Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Research Project Search Engine System (A Case Study: Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, UNISO)PHP/MYSQL
828Design and Implementation of a Web Based Birth Rate Monitoring Information and Management System (A Case Study: Hirshabelle State, Somalia)PHP/MYSQL
829Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Land Ownership Documentation Management System (A Case Study:JSP/MYSQL
830Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal for Somali Premier League Information System (A Case Study: Somali Football Fedaration)JSP/MYSQL
831Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Seaport Billing Information System (A Case Study: Mogadishu Port, Somalia)JSP/MYSQL
832Design and Implementation of an Android National Identity Registration and Management System (A Case Study: Benadir Region, Somalia)ANDROID
833Design and Implementation of a Web Based Economic Growth Monitoring Information System (A case Study: Ministry of Finance, JUBBALAND)JSP/MYSQL
834Design and Implementation of a web based Animal Drug Inventory Management System (A Case Study:JSP/MYSQL
835Design and Implementation of an Android Parent Record Keeping and Billing Management SystemANDROID
836Design and Implementation of a Web Based Enterprise Resource Planning and Information System (A Case Study: Waxool Company, Mogadishu)JSP/MYSQL
837Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Household Budget Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
838Design and Implementation of a Web Based Cafeteria Ordering System (A Case Study: CAFELATO, Mogadishu)PHP/MYSQL
839Design and Implementation of a Web Based Airport Network Flight Scheduler Information and Management System (A Case Study: Adam Abdulle Osman Airport, Mogadishu)JSP/MYSQL
840Design and Implementation of an ICT Assisted Database for Senior Citizens (A Case Study: South and West State, Somalia)PHP/MYSQL
841Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Unemployment Rate Monitoring Information and Management System (A Case Study:JSP/MYSQL
842Design and Implementation of a Web Based Fruit Shop Information and Management System (A Case Study:PHP/MYSQL
843Design and Implementation of a Web Based Goods Transportation Information System (A Case Study: Daryel Logistic and Shipping Company)JSP/MYSQL
844Design and Implementation of an Online Moto Plate Number Registration and Recognition Management System (A Case Study:PHP/MYSQL
845Design and Implementation of a Web Based Cash Control Information and Management System (A Case Study: Amal Bank, Mogadishu)JSP/MYSQL
846Design and Implementation of an Android Student ID-Card Processing and Information System (A Case Study: University of Somalia)ANDROID
847Design and Implementation of a Web Based Cement Delivery Record Management System (A Case Study:PHP/MYSQL
848Design and Implementation of a Web Based Examination System for Staff Recruitment (A Case Study: Dahabshiil Group)PHP/MYSQL
849Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Sport Shop Information and Management System (A Case Study: A to Z Sports House, Mogadishu)JSP/MYSQL
850Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Movie Ticket Reservation SystemPHP/MYSQL
851Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Population Census Monitoring and Information System (A Case Study: JSP/MYSQL
852Design and Implementation of a Web Based Clearance Information System for UNISO Gradation StudentsJSP/MYSQL
853Design and Implementation of a web based Car Accident Information and Management System (A Case Study: Fish Traffic)PHP/MYSQL
854Design and Implementation of an E – Bus Ticket Reservation Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
855Design and Implementation of a web based Sports Events Management Platform for Colleges.PHP/MYSQL
856Design and Implementation of a Web Portal National and International Holidays Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
857Design and Implementation of a Web Based Aided Tutorial for Teaching Basic Programming Languages PHP/MYSQL
858Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Diagnostic Lab Reporting Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
859Design and Implementation of an E – Governance Information and Management System (A Case Study: Benadir Region)PHP/MYSQL
860Design and Implementation of a Smart Inventory Management System of Food Processing and Distribution IndustryPHP/MYSQL
861Design and Implementation of a web Based Case Filling System for Drug Monitoring AgentPHP/MYSQL
862Design and Implementation of a Web Based Production Control Information System ( A Case Study: COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY)JSP/MYSQL
863Design and Implementation of a Web Based Child Abuse Database Management System JSP/MYSQL
864Design and Implementation of a Web Based Customer Complain Information and Management System (A Case Study: Hormud Telecom)PHP/MYSQL
865Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Pizza Ordering Management System (A Case Study Pizza out Company)PHP/MYSQL
866Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Production Scheduler Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
867Design and Implementation of a web based distributed Learning System with Desktop recording, VoIP, Desktop Sharing and Session Sharing.PHP/MYSQL
868Design and Implementation of an Android Course Material Distribution Management SystemANDROID
869Design and Implementation of a web portal Student Memo Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
870Design and Implementation of a Web Based Taxation Monitoring information System (A Case Study: Galmudug State, Somalia)PHP/MYSQL
871Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Smart Health Consultant Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
872Design and Implementation of an Online Vehicle Taxation Information System in SomaliaPHP/MYSQL
873Design and Implementation of a Web Based Long Term Surveillance Record for HIV/AIDS Parent SystemPHP/MYSQL
874Development of an Intelligent Web Based Health Care Management and Evaluation SystemPHP/MYSQL
875Design and Implementation of an Android Based Assignment Submission Management SystemANDROID
876Design and Implementation of a web based Smart Heart Disease Prediction Management System.PHP/MYSQL
877Design and Implementation of an Android Based Guest Trucking Information System (A Case Study: IBS Bank)PHP/MYSQL
878Design and Implementation of a Web Based Timetabling Generation Application (A Case Study: Examination Department, UNISO)PHP/MYSQL
879Design and Implementation of a Web Based Language Transfer Somali to English SystemPHP/MYSQL
880Design and Implementation of a Web Based Hall Booking Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
881Design and Implementation of a Web Lost Articles and Latters Reconciliation SystemPHP/MYSQL
882Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal School Bus Tracking Management System (A Case Study: Hamar Boarding School)PHP/MYSQL
883Design and Implementation of a Web Based Road Transport Booking Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
884Design and Implementation of a Computerized Mosque Information and Management SystemC#/MSSQL
885Design and Implementation of a Web Based Expert System on Typhoid and Malaria DiagnosisPHP/MYSQL
886Design and Implementation of a web based Herbs Shopping Management System.PHP/MYSQL
887Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Hospital Space Management and Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
888Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Teacher Pension Verification SystemPHP/MYSQL
889Design and Implementation of an Android Based Online Contract Management SystemANDROID
890Design and Implementation of an Android Based Social Media Network for Students (A Case Study: University of Somalia)ANDROID
891Design and Implementation of a web based Class Management System.PHP/MYSQL
893Design and Implementation of an Android Based Traditional Herbal Management System (A Case Study: Shifa’u Rahma Herbal Hospital)ANDROID
894Design and Implementation of a Web Based Lottery Processing Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
896Online Sales Management System For Medical EquipmentPHP/MYSQL
897Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Traffic Offence Documentation Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
898Design and Implementation of a Web Based Water Billing Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
899Design and Implementation of a Web Based Digital Library Information System (A Case Study: University of Somalia)PHP/MYSQL
900Design and Implementation of a Web Based Expert System in Diagnosis and Treatment of Breast CancerJSP/MYSQL
902Design and Implementation of an Android Healthcare Consultation And Medical SubscriptionANDROID
903Design and Implementation of a Web Based Drug Procurement and Distribution Tracking SystemPHP/MYSQL
904Design and Implementation of an Android Based Student Discipline Information and Management System (A Case Study: University of Somalia)ANDROID
905Design and Implementation of an Online Handball Club Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
906Design and Implementation of State Civil Service Payroll Accounting SystemPHP/MYSQL
907Design and Implementation of a Computerized Education Umbrella Information System C#/MSSQL
908Design and Implementation of an Online Bajaj Rental Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
909Design and Implementation of a Web Based Car Selling Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
910Design and Implementation of an Automated Employment Directory and Labour Assignment SystemPHP/MYSQL
911Design and Implementation of a Web Based Smart Law Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
912Design and Implementation of Secure Online Forum for Lecturers and Students (A Case Study: Computer Science Department, UNISO)PHP/MYSQL
913Design and Implementation of a Web Based Grocery Store Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
914Design and Implementation of an Android Pizza Ordering Information System ANDROID
915Design and Implementation of a Web Based Lottery Processing Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
916Design and Implementation of Expert Management System for Automated fault Detection and DiagnosisPHP/MYSQL
917Design and Implementation of Expert Financial Planning and Budgeting SystemPHP/MYSQL
918Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Career Guidance Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
920Design and Implementation of a Web Based Billing and Sales Forecasting System (A Case Study: Al Furqan Drug Ltd)PHP/MYSQL
921Design and Implementation of a Web Based Point of Sales Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
922Design and Implementation of an Online Mogadishu Business Directory Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
923Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Forex Traders Company Information SystemASP.NET/MSSQL
924Design and Implementation of an Online Paying Guest Accommodation System  PHP/MYSQL
925Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Charity Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
926Design and Implementation of a Web Based Drug Procurement and Distribution Trucking SystemJSP/MYSQL
927Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Fish Export Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
928Design and Implementation of a Web Based Teleconference System for SchoolsPHP/MYSQL
929Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Somali Brokers Registration and Information System (A Case Study:PHP/MYSQL
930Design and Implementation of an Android Based Expert System for Human Nutrition Analysis (A Case Study:ANDROID
931Design and Implementation of an Android Fund Transfer Information System (A Case Study:JSP/MYSQL
932Design and Implementation of an Android Based Online Student Clearance System (A Case Study: University of Somalia)ANDROID
933Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Loan Approval Information and Management System (A Case Study: Amal Bank, Somalia)JSP/MYSQL
934Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Result Processing and Transcript Generation System (A Case Study: University of Somalia)JSP/MYSQL
935Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Course Registration and Result Processing Information System (A Case Study:PHP/MYSQL
936Design and Implementation of a Web Based Staff Attendance System Using Fingerprint Biometric (A Case Study: HR Department, UNISO)PHP/MYSQL
937Design and Implementation of an Android Based Cash Receipt Generation Information System (A Case ANDROID
938Design and Implementation of an Android Based Result Checker Information System (A Case Study:ANDROID
939Design and Implementation of a Web Based Budget Planning and Controlling Management System (A Case Study: Primier Bank)PHP/MYSQL
940Design and Implementation of a Web Based Documentation System of Court Proceedings (A Case Study: Federal High Court)JSP/MYSQL
941Design and Implementation of a Web Portal House Selling Information and Management System (A Case Study:JSP/MYSQL
942Design and Implementation of a Web Based Automated Inventory Control System for Manufacturing Company (A Case Study: COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY)JSP/MYSQL
943Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Noticeboard Information System (A Case Study: University of Somalia)PHP/MYSQL
944Design and Implementation of an Android Based Airport Flight Scheduler Information and Management System (A Case Study: Shati Gaduud Airport, Somalia)ANDROID
945Design and Implementation of an Android Based School Finder System (A Case Study: Benadir Region)ANDROID
946Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Rating of Teacher Effectiveness System (A Case Study: University of Somalia)PHP/MYSQL
947Design and Implementation of a Web Based Market Information System (A Case Study: Mogadishu Mall)JSP/MYSQL
948Design and Implementation of a Web Based Visitor Information and Management System (A Case Study:JSP/MYSQL
949Design and Implementation of an Android Based Drug Verification and Management System (A Case Study: Ministry of Health)ANDROID
950Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal In-Patient Information and Management System (A Case Study: Shaafi Hospital)JSP/MYSQL
951Design and Implementation of an Android Based Education Magazine Information System (A Case Study: SAFE)ANDROID
952Design and Implementation of an Android Based Basketball Stadium Ticket Acquisition and Reservation System (A Case Study: Darwish Stadium)ANDROID
953Design and Implementation of a Web Based Market Survey Reporting and Information System (A Case Study:JSP/MYSQL
954Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Complain Management System (A Case Study: University of Somalia)JSP/MYSQL
955Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Tutorial on Food Cocking Management System (A Case Study: JSP/MYSQL
956Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Certificate Verification System (A Case Study: Ministry of Education, Culture and Higher Education) PHP/MYSQL
957Design and Implementation of a Campus Web Based Help Disk Information System (A Case Study: UNISO OGR Campus)JSP/MYSQL
958Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Staff Performance Evaluation System (A Case Study: Hormud Telecom)PHP/MYSQL
959Design and Implementation of a Web Based Automated Student School Fees Payment System (A Case Study: Somali Primary and Secondary School)PHP/MYSQL
960Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Quality Control  in Stock Product Information System (A Case Study:JSP/MYSQL
961Design and Implementation of an Android Based Electric Bill Payment Management System (A Case Study: Benadir Electric Company)ANDROID
962Design and Implementation of an Android Based Birth Rate Monitoring Information SystemANDROID
964Design and Implementation of an Android Based Mailing SystemANDROID
965Design and Implementation of an Android Based Hotel Business Billing System ANDROID
966Design and Implementation of an Android Based Mental Health Care Management SystemANDROID
967Design and Implementation of a Web Based Employee Training and Trucking SystemJSP/MYSQL
968Design and Implementation of a Web Based Internet Caffe Billing SystemPHP/MYSQL
969Design and Implementation of an Android Based E – Shopping Management SystemANDROID
970Design and Implementation of a Web Based Importation Trucking Processing SystemPHP/MYSQL
971Design and Implementation of a Computerized Vehicle Taxation Information SystemC#/MSSQL
972Design and Implementation of a Web Based Industrial Training Fund Payment SystemPHP/MYSQL
973Design and Implementation of a Web Based Test/Examination Information System (A Case Study: UNISO)PHP/MYSQL
974Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based School Fees Payment Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
976Design and Implementation of a Web Based Medical Billing System (A Case Study: UNISO Hospital)PHP/MYSQL
977Design and Implementation of an Android Based E – Learning System for UNISOANDROID
978Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Personal Auditing System for Government AdministrationPHP/MYSQL
979Design and Implementation of an Web Based Health Care Provider Information System for MCHJSP/MYSQL
980Design and Implementation of a Web Based Quran Learning Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
981Design and Implementation of a Web Based Auditing System for Financial InstitutionJSP/MYSQL
982Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based tnation Information and Management System JSP/MYSQL
983Design and Implementation of a Web Based Newspaper Delivery Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
984Design and Implementation of Weather Forecasting Package for Aviation Industry (A Case Study: Adam Abdulle Osman Airport)JSP/MYSQL
985Design and Implementation of a Online Motor Vehicle Licensing Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
986Design and Implementation of a Web Based Police Registration Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
987Design and Implementation of a Web Based Civil Service Promotion Scheme SystemPHP/MYSQL
988Design and Implementation of a Web Based Seaport Billing System (A Case Study: Bosaaso Port)PHP/MYSQL
989Design and Implementation of a Web Based Football Stadium Ticket Acquisition and Reservation System (Eng. Yarisow Stadium)PHP/MYSQL
990Design and Implementation of an Android Based Birth Rate Monitoring Information SystemANDROID
991Design and Implement of a Web Portal Production Control System (A Case Study of Cafi Mineral Water Company)PHP/MYSQL
992Design and Implementation of Computerized Livestock Information and Management SystemC#/MSSQL
993Design and Development of Computerized Drug Information and Management SystemVB.NET/MSSQL
994Designing and Implementation of a Computerized Land Ownership Documentation Information SystemVB.NET/MSSQL
995Design and Implementation of a Web Based Airline Reservation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
996Design and Implementation of a Desktop Basketball Stadium Ticket Acquisition and Reservation SystemC#/MSSQL
997Design and Implementation of a Computerized Campus Visitor Management SystemVB.NET/MSSQL
998Design and Implementation of Online Newspaper Delivery Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
999Design and Implementation of an Android Glossary Information Management SystemAndroid
1000Design and Implementation of Web Portal Vehicle Taxation Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1001Design and Implementation of Web Based Lawyer Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1002Design and Implementation of web portal Mogadishu Security Information Sharing System (A Case Study: Ministry of Internal Security)JSP/MYSQL
1003Design and Implementation of Online Moto Plate Number Registration and Recognition Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1004Design and Implementation of Web Portal Employee Clocking information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1005Design and Implementation of E – Justice Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1006Design and Implementation of Online Real Estate and Property Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1007Design and Implementation of E – Lower Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1008Design and Implementation of Online Employee Expenses information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1009Design and Implementation of a Online Motor Vehicle Licensing Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1010Design and Implementation of an android House Selling information and Management SystemAndroid
1011Design and Implementation of Online Staff Performance Evaluation Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1012Design and Implementation of Online Fish Export information and Management systemJSP/MYSQL
1013Design and Implementation of Online Handball Club Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1014Design and Implementation of Online Industrial Training Fund Payment Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1015Design and Implementation of Online Student Rating of Teacher Effectiveness SystemJSP/MYSQL
1016Design and Implementation of Web Based Automated Exam Seating Arrangement Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1017Design and Implementation of Online Student Faculty Document sharing Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1018Design and Implementation of an Online Banking Service Complain Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1019Design and Implementation of Online Booking System of University Sports VenuesPHP/MYSQL
1020Design and Implementation of Web Portal Judicial Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1021The Implantation of Web Based Civil Service Performance Evaluation System (A CASE STUDY FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OF SOMALIA)JSP/MYSQL
1022Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Sport Shop Information and Management System (A Case Study: A to Z Sports House, Mogadishu)PHP/MYSQL
1023Design and Implementation of an Android Based Jewelry Shop Information and Management SystemANDROID
1024Design and Implementation of an Android Based Employee Expenses Information and Management SystemANDROID
1025Design and Implementation of an Android Based Course Registration and Result Processing Information SystemANDROID
1026Design and Implementation of an Android Based Sport House Shop Information and Management SystemANDROID
1027Design and Implementation of a Web Based Waste Application SystemPHP/MYSQL
1028Design and Implementation of a Web Based Campus Recruitment System (Training & Placement) SystemPHP/MYSQL
1029Design and Implementation of an Android Based Marketplace Information and Management SystemANDROID
1030Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Automated Exam Invigilation Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1031Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Cafeteria Ordering and Delivery SystemJSP/MYSQL
1032Design and Implementation of an Android Based School Information and Management SystemANDROID
1033Design and Implementation of an Online Medicine Denotation Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1034Design and Implementation of a E – Resources Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1035Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal Fruit Shop Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1036Design and Implementation of a Web Based University Voting Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1037Design and Implementation of an Android Based Result Processing and Transcript Generation SystemANDROID
1038Design and Implementation of an Android Based Budget Analysis Information and Management SystemANDROID
1039Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Flowers and Gift Shop Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1040Design and Implementation of an Android Based Agriculture Machinery Information SystemANDROID
1041Design and Implementation of an Android Course Portal Information and Management SystemANDROID
1042Design and Implementation a Web Portal Health Care Logistic Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1043Design and Implementation of an Online Knowledge Based Community Sharing SystemPHP/MYSQL
1044Design and Implementation of an Android Based Health Information System for Senior CitizenANDROID
1045Design and Implementation of a web portal birth certificate verification SystemPHP/MYSQL
1046Design and Implementation of an ICT Assisted Database for Senior Citizens SystemJSP/MSYSQL
1047Design and Implementation of a Desktop Banking Service Complain Information SystemJAVA/MYSQL
1048Design and Implementation of e-government Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1049Design and Implementation of an Online School Boarding Information an Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1050Design and Implementation of a web based telephone bill payment management systemJSP/MSYSQL
1051Design and Implementation of Mobile Airport Taxation Management SystemANDROID
1052Design and Implementation of an Online/Internet Office Chat Application SystemPHP/MYSQL
1053Design an d Implementation of an Online Campus opinion poll Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1054Design and Implementation of a web based cake shop Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1055Design and Implementation of a Dynamic Teacher-Student Interaction SystemPHP/MYSQL
1056Design and Implementation of a Mobile E-commerce Information and Management SystemANDROID
1057Design and Implementation of a web based Cleaning Service Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1058Design and Implementation of Web Based Enrollment Authorization SystemPHP/MYSQL
1059Design and Implementation of Web Portal Land Border Control Management SystemJSP/MSYSQL
1060Design and Implementation of an Android based Airport Information and Management SystemANDROID
1061Design and Implementation of a web portal Automatic period alerting SystemJSP/MSYSQL
1062Design and Implementation of a Biometric Student Attendance Information SystemJSP/MSYSQL
1063Design and Implementation of a web based cash payment management systemANDROID
1064Design and Implementation of a web based Student Academic Advising SystemPHP/MYSQL
1065Design and Implementation of an Electronic Invoicing SystemPHP/MYSQL
1066Design and Implementation of Web based Transport Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1067Design and Implementation of a web portal cargo transportation management systemPHP/MYSQL
1068Design and Implementation of web portal Employee Transport Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1069Design and Implentation of a Computer Based Financial Audit System for Manufacturing OrganizationJAVA/MYSQL
1070Design and Implementation of a web portal bank verification number SystemJSP/MSYSQL
1071Design and Implementation of a Mobile Motor Vehicle Licensing Information SystemANDROID
1072Design and Implementation of web based multilingual chat ApplicationJSP/MSYSQL
1073Design and Implementation of an Online Ice-Cream shop Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1074Design and Implementation of an audio/video group chat Application for wireless mash networkPHP/MYSQL
1075Design and Implementation of a Mobile Movie Subscription Platform SystemANDROID
1076Design and Implementation of a web portal Grade Evaluation SystemPHP/MYSQL
1077Design and Implementation of an Online Antenatal Care Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1078Design and Implementation of a web based Teacher pension Verification and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1079Design and Implementation of an Online Vehicle Rental Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1080Design and Implementation of an Online Alumni Event Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1081Design and Implementation of an Online Marriage Registration and Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1082Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based House Selling information and Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
1083Design and Implementation of an Android Customer Feedback Information and Management SystemANDROID
1084Design and Implementation of a web portal certificate verification and Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1085Design and Implementation of a web portal Timetabling Generating SystemJSP/MYSQL
1086Design and Implementation of a web based Biometric Adjustment for Employee Salary SystemJSP/MYSQL
1087Design and Implementation of a web based parent record keeping and billing information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1088Design and Implementation of a web based Internet Café  Billing Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1089Design and Implementation of an Android Fish Export Information and Management SystemANDROID
1090Design and Implementation of an Android Automated Exam Seating Arrangement SystemANDROID
1091Design and Implementation of a web based procurement and Logistics Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1092Design and Implementation of a web portal Homeless Management and Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1093Design and Implementation of a web based tourism information and management systemPHP/MYSQL
1094Design and Implementation of an Android Quality Control Information System in stock productANDROID
1095Design and Implementation of a web portal Faculty Magazine Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1096Design and Implementation of a web based Data Archival Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1097Design and Implementation of a web portal District Administration Management and information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1098Design and Implementation of a web portal staff attendance monitoring and management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1099Design and Implementation of web based pharmacy Management System for UNISO HospitalPHP/MYSQL
1100Design and Implementation of a web portal Test/Examination Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1101Design and Implementation of an Android population census monitoring and Information SystemANDROID
1102Design and Implementation of a Web Based Computer Repairing Shop Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1103Design and Implementation of a Web Portal State Civil Service Payroll Accounting SystemJSP/MYSQL
1104Design and Implementation of a Web Based Medical Billing Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1105Design and Implementation of an Online Paying Guest Accommodation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1106Design and Implementation of an Android Based Course Allocation Management SystemANDROID
1107Design and Implementation of an Android Based Cement Delivery Record Information SystemANDROID
1108Design and Implementation of an Android Based Veterinary Hospital Information SystemANDROID
1109Design and Implementation of an Online Vegetable Market Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1110Design and Implementation of a Web Based Customer Relationship Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1111Design and Implementation of an Android Based Face Detection and Recognition SystemANDROID
1112Design and Implementation of an Android Based Seaport Billing Management SystemANDROID
1113Design and Implementation of an Android Based Criminal Investigation Tracker With Suspect PredicationANDROID
1114Design and Implementation of an Android Based Smart Hospital Queue Management SystemANDROID
1115Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based Vehicle Parking Information SystemJAVA/MYSQL
1116Design and Implementation of an Online Booking University Sports Venues Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1117Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Money Transfer SystemPHP/MYSQL
1118Design and Implementation of a Mobile Vehicle Plate Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1119Design and Implementation of a Web Based Grocery Store Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1120Design and Implementation of a Web Based Farm Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1121Design and Implementation of an Android Based E-Leaning  Platform Management SystemANDROID
1122Design and Implementation of Remote Control System Between AndroidsANDROID
1123Design and Implementation of an Android E-mall Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1124Design and Implementation of an Android Based Newspaper Delivery Information and Management SystemANDROID
1125Design and Implementation of an Online Society Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1126Design and Implementation of an Android Real Estate and Property Information SystemANDROID
1127Design and Implementation of an Android Based Aided Tutorial for Teaching Basic Programming LanguagesANDROID
1128Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Local Service Search Engine Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1129Design and Implementation of an Android Based Employee Training and Trucking SystemANDROID
1130Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Football Stadium Ticket Acquisition and Reservation Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1131Design and Implementation of Mobile Terminal ant-theft Tracking System based an Android PlatformANDROID
1132Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based Taxi Information and Management SystemC#/MSSQL
1133Design and Implementation of a Web Based Computer Repairing Shop Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1134Design and Implementation of a Web Based Examination Scheduling and Allocation SystemPHP/MYSQL
1135Design and Implementation of a Web Based Food Wastage Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1136Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Lecturer Attendance Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1137Design and Implementation of an Online Student Admission and Document Verification System 
1138Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Livestock  Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1139Design and Implementation of an Online Book Store Management System with E-Payment IntegrationPHP/MYSQL
1140Design and Implementation of account Holders Information System for Microfinance BankPHP/MYSQL
1141Design and Implementation of a Web Based Clearance System for Graduation StudentsJSP/MYSQL
1142Design and Implementation of a Web Based Discussion Forum for Computer Science and Engineering StudentsPHP/MYSQL
1143Design and Implementation of an Android Based Education Umbrella Information and Management SystemANDROID
1144Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Hall Event Booking Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1145Design and Implementation of an Android Based Immunization Information and Management SystemANDROID
1146Design and Implementation of a web Based Child Care Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1147Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Registration Pharmaceutical Company and Drug Verification SystemPHP/MYSQL
1148Design and Implementation of an Online Book Club Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1149Design and Implementation of a Web Based Tax Collection and Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1150Design and Implementation of an Online Medical Diagnosis and Consultancy SystemPHP/MYSQL
1151Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Expert Planning and Budgeting SystemJSP/MYSQL
1152Design and Implementation of an Online Hospital Billing Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1153Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based Exam Seating Arrangement Management SystemC#/MSSQL
1154Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student’s Training and Placement Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1155Design and Implementation of a Computerized Vaccination Information and Management SystemJAVA/MYSSQL
1156Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Household Budget Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1157Design and Implementation of an Android Based Lottery Processing and Information SystemANDROID
1158Design and Implementation of a Computerized Apartment Information and Management SystemJAVA/MYSSQL
1159Design and Implementation of an Online Number Registration and Identification System in SomaliaJSP/MYSQL
1160Design and Implementation of a Web Based Product Expiry Alert SystemPHP/MYSQL
1161Topic: Design and Implementation of a Computerized Online Traffic Offence Documentation SystemJSP / MYSQL
1162Design and Implementation of a computerized Online Examination System for Staff RecruitmentPHP / MYSQL
1163Topic: Design and Implementation of a Web Based Staff Remuneration information SystemPHP / MYSQL
1164Design and Implementation of a Face Recognition SystemAI
1167Design and Implementation of a Web Based Bajaj Rental Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1168Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Medical Duties Scheduling SystemPHP/MYSQL
1169Design and Implementation of a Web Based CV Builder Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1170Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Electricity Billing SystemJSP/MYSQL
1171Design and Implementation of an Online Motorcycle Bike Rental Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1172Design and Implementation of a Web Based Cement Delivery Record Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1173Design and Implementation of a Web Portal School Boarding Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1174Design and Implementation of a Secure Online Academic Document Verification SystemJSP/MYSQL
1175Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Accommodation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1176Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Employee Clocking SystemJSP/MYSQL
1177Design and Implementation of a Web Based Taxation Monitoring Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1178Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Student Union Performance Appraisal Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1179Design and Implementation of a Web Based Rental House Information & Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1180Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Computer Driven Stock MS for Small Business Record Keeping & TruckingPHP/MYSQL
1181Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Car Workshop Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1182Design and Implementation of an Online Coaching Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1183Design and Implementation of an Online Construction information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1184Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Price Checking Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1185Design and Implementation of an Online Resort Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1186Design and Implementation of a Web Based for Distance Learning SystemPHP/MYSQL
1187Design and Implementation of E-Government Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1188Design and Implementation of an Automated Staff ID-Card Generating SystemPHP/MYSQL
1189Design and Implementation of an Online Clothing Shop Store and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1190Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Commodity Exchange Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1191Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for POS Coffee Shop Management SystemC#/MSSQL
1192Design and Implementation of a Web Based Forex Traders Company Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1193Design and Implementation of an Online Expert System On Typhoid and Malaria DiagnosisJSP/MYSQL
1194Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Football Team Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1195Design and Implementation of an Android Based Examination Scheduling and Allocation SystemANDROID
1196Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Police Station Information & Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1197Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Wedding Hall Booking and Reservation SystemJSP/MYSQL
1198Design and Implementation of an Online Mathematics Tutoring Application for Secondary School StudentsPHP/MYSQL
1199Design and Implementation of a Web Based State Civil Service Payroll Accounting SystemJSP/MYSQL
1200Design and Implementation of an Online Garbage Management SystemASP.NET/MSSQL
1201Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Evaluation SystemPHP/MYSQL
1202Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Book Store Management SystemC#/MSSQL
1203Design and Implementation of Web Portal Bank Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1204Design and Implementation of a Web Based Data Archival Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1205Design and Implementation of an Online Marriage Registration Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1206Design and Implementation of an Online Catering Reservation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1207Design and Implementation of a Web Based Birth Certificate Verification SystemJSP/MYSQL
1208Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for IceCream Shop Management SystemC#/MSSQL
1209Design and Implementation of an Online Covid-19 Vaccination Scheduler and Administration SystemPHP/MYSQL
1210Design and Implementation of an Online E-procurement and Logistics information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1211Design and Implementation of an Android Based Household Budget Management SystemANDROID
1212Design and Implementation of an Online Pet-shop Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1213Design and Implementation of a Web Based Marriage Hall Booking and Reservation SystemPHP/MYSQL
1214Design and Implementation of an Online Expenses Tracking SystemPHP/MYSQL
1215Design and Implementation of an Android Based Medical Billing Information SystemANDROID
1216Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Portal School Library Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1217Design and Implementation of a Web Based Museum System for Somali Culture and HistoryPHP/MYSQL
1218Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Gas Billing Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1219Design and Implementation of an Online Waste Collection Service Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1220Design and Implementation of an Online Hospital Billing information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1221Design and Implementation of a Web Based Sport Event Platform Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1222Bluetoth Based Home Automation Using Smart PhoneIoT
1223Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Loan Scheme Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1224Design and Implementation of a Computerized Hotel Business Billing SystemC#/MSSQL
1225Design and Implementation of a Web Based Egg Production Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1226Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Forum for Lecturers and Students SystemJSP/MYSQL
1227Fingerprint Door Lock with Arduino ProjectIoT
1228Design and Implementation of a Web Portal E-Project Planning Application SystemJSP/MYSQL
1229Design and Implementation of an Online Refugee Food Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1230IoT Based Fingerprint Biometric Attendance SystemIoT
1231Design and Implementation of an Android Lecturer Attendance Information SystemANDROID
1232Design and Implementation of an Online Automated Student Attendance Monitoring System Using ID NumberJSP/MYSQL
1233Design and Implementation of a Web Based Plant Production and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1234Design and Implementation of an Android Multilingual Chat ApplicationANDROID
1235Design and Implementation of a Web Based Poultry Farm Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1236Design and Implementation of a Web Based Baby Daycare Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1237Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Automated Exam Invigilation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1238Design and Implementation of a Mobile Student-Teacher Online Booking Appointment System in Academic InstitutionsFlutter/MYSQL
1239Design and Implementation of a Computerized Standard Appraisal System for Pharmaceutical ProductsPHP/MYSQL
1240Design and Implementation of a Collaborative Software As a Web Based Office Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1241Design and Implementation of an Online Logistic Chat-bot Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1242Design and Implementation of a Web Based Tax Collection Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1243Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Agriculture Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1244Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Staff Performance Management SystemJAVAFX/MYSQL
1245Design and Implementation of an Android Based Gym and Fitness Center Management SystemANDROID
1246Design and Implementation of a Social Media Based Web Application for Prospective University StudentsPHP/MYSQL
1247Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Gas Agency Delivery Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1248Design and Implementation of an Android Based Clinic Appointment Booking SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1249Design and Implementation of an Online Shoes Store Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1250Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Society Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1251Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Staff Performance Evaluation SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1252Design and Implementation of an Online Student Consultation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1253Design and Implementation of a Web Based Smart Health Prediction SystemJSP/MYSQL
1254Design and Implementation of a Web Portal  Laboratory Department Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1255Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Pharmacy & Clinic Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1256Design and Implementation of an Online Train Transport Management System for Railway CorporationPHP/MYSQL
1257Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Driver’s License Registration and Renewal Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1258Design and Implementation of an Android Based Inventory Management System for Medical EquipmentANDROID
1259Design and Implementation of a Mobile E-commerce Management SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1260Design and Implementation of an Online Medical Diagnosis and Consultancy Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1261Design and Implementation of an Online Computer Repairing and Troubleshooting SystemPHP/MYSQL
1262Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Production Scheduler Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1263Design and Implementation of a Web Based Information System for Small Enterprise JSP/MYSQL
1264Design and Implementation of a Mobile Apartment Information and Management SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1265Design and Implementation of a Web Based Digital Diary Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1266Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Charity Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1267Design and Implementation of a Web Based Interview Management SystemKTC FRAMEWORK
1268Design and Implementation of an Online Disaster Report Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1269Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Real Estate and Property Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
1270Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Personal Auditing System for Local Government AdministrationPHP/MYSQL
1271Design and Implementation of Web Based Smart Hospital Queue Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1272Design and Implementation of a Mobile E-Tuition Management System (A Case Study: Somali Primary and Secondary School)Flutter/MYSQL
1273Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for Qur’an Learning SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1274Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application System for Crime Report Management SystemJAVAFX/MYSQL
1275Design and Implementation of an Online Account Holder’s Information System for MicrofinanceJSP/MYSQL
1276Design and Implementation of a Web Based Supermarket Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1277Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based Tourism Information and Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
1278Design and Implementation of an Online Project Defense Grading SystemPHP/MYSQL
1279Design and Implementation of a Web Portal E-Post Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1280Design and Implementation of a Web Based Hospital Space Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1281Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Case Scheduling System for Court of LawPHP/MYSQL
1282Design and Implementation of a Mobile Delivery System for Cosmetics and Personal CareFlutter/MYSQL
1283Design and Implementation of an Online Village Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1284Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Inventory Management System for Construction MaterialJSP/MYSQL
1285Design and Implementation of a Computerized Internet Café Timer and Monitoring SystemJAVA/MYSQL
1286Design and Implementation of an Android Based Business Record Keeping SystemANDROID
1287Design and Implementation of an Online Bookstore With EPayment Integration SystemJSP/MYSQL
1288Design and Implementation of an Android Based Claim Information and Management SystemANDROID
1289Design and Implementation of a Web Based Taxi Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1290Design and Implementation of a Web Based Qardul Hassan Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1291Design and Implementation of an Android Car Plate Number Registration & Identification SystemANDROID
1292Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Wedding Dresses Store Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1293Design and Implementation of a Web Based Diagnostic Expert System for Kidney DiseasesPHP/MYSQL
1294Design and Implementation of an Online School Supervision Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1295Design and Implementation of a Web Based Health Shopping Portal with Product Recommendation SystemPHP/MYSQL
1296Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based Bus Ticket Reservation Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
1297Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Vegetable Shop Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
1298Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Library Offense Documentation SystemPHP/MYSQL
1299Design and Implementation of an Online Garden Management System (A Case Study: Darusalam Garden)PHP/MYSQL
1300Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Pharmacy Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
1301Design and Implementation of an Android Based Air force Management SystemANDRIOD
1302Design and Implementation of an Android Based Education Magazine Information SystemANDRIOD
1303Design and Implementation of a Web Based Slaughter House Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1304Design and Implementation of an Online Legal Practitioners Representation SystemPHP/MYSQL
1305Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Fertilizer Recommendation System for FormersPHP/MYSQL
1306Design and Implementation of a Web Based Stock Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1307Design and Implementation of a Web Based Patient Follow-Up Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1308Design and Implementation of an Online Thesis Archiving Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1309Design and Implementation of an Online Job Search Portal Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1310Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Water Billing Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1311Design and Implementation of an Android Football Stadium Ticket Reservation & Acquisition SystemANDRIOD
1312Design and Implementation of a Web Based Water Supply Distribution Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1313Design and Implementation of a Desktop Based Airport Taxation Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
1314Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Cash Payment Management SystemJAVA/MYSQL
1315Design and Implementation of a Web Based Physiotherapy Clinic Center Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1316Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Cake Shop Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1317Design and Implementation of a Web Based Bakery Shop Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1318Design and Implementation of an Online Flight & Shipping Logistics Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1319Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Patient Appointment and Scheduling SystemPHP/MYSQL
1320Design and Implementation of a Web Based Employee Transportation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1321Design and Implementation of Web Portal E-Procurement System for Kaahiye MarketJSP/MYSQL
1322Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Loan Approval Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1323IoT-Based Smart Health Monitoring System for COVID-19 PatientsIoT
1324Design and Implementation of Web Based Voting System for the Election of StudentsJSP/MYSQL
1325Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Civil Service Recruitment SystemPHP/MYSQL
1326Design and Implementation of a Web Secure Lawyer Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1327Design and Implementation of an Online Football Youth Academy Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1328Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Hair Transplant Clinic Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1329Design and Implementation of a Computerized Online Monetary Transection SystemJSP/MYSQL
1330Design and Implementation of a Desktop Student ID-Card Processing and Information SystemC#/SQL
1331Design and Implementation of a Web Based Vehicle Parking Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1332Design and Implementation of a Web Based Foam Factory Production Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1333Design and Implementation of a Desktop Fruit Shop Management SystemC#/SQL
1334Design and Implementation of an Online Pizza Ordering Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1335Design and Implementation of an Online System for Domestic Flight Customer Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1336Design and Implementation of an Android Bus Ticket Reservation Management SystemANDROID
1337Design and Implementation of a Web Based Class Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1338Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Employee Transportation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1339Design and Implementation of a Web Based Print Press Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1340Design and Implementation of a Web Based a Medical Test Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1341Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Homeless Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1342Design and Implementation of an Online Somali Referee Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1343Design and Implementation of an Android Based Grocery Store Management SystemANDROID
1345Design and Implementation of a Web Based Staff Promotion Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1346Design and Implementation of an Online Vaccination Information and Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1347Design and Implementation of a Desktop Application for Sports House Shop Management SystemC#/MSSQL
1348Design and Implementation of a Web Based Advertisement Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1349Design and Implementation of an Online Student Monitoring Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1350Design and Implementation of a Web Based football Tournaments System for Somali Football FederationPHP/MYSQL
1351Design and Implementation of an Android Based Drug Procurement & Distribution Trucking SystemANDROID
1352Design and Implementation of a Web Based Warehouse Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1353Design and Implementation of an Android Based Traffic Offence Documentation Management SystemANDROID
1354Design and Implementation of a Web Based Secondhand Book Buying and Selling SystemJSP/MYSQL
1355Design and Implementation of an Online E-Tuition Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1356Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Class MSJSP/MYSQL
1357Design and Implementation of a Web Based Unemployment Rate Monitoring Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1358Design and Implementation of Billboard Advertising Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1359Design and Implementation of an Online Photographer Booking Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1360Design and Implementation of an Online Book Club Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1361Design and Implementation of an Android Based Event Booking Management SystemANDROID
1362Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Livestock Marketplace Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1363Design and Implementation of an Online Customer Complain Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1364Design and Implementation of an Android District Administration Management SystemANDROID
1365Design and Implementation of an Automatic Street Lighting System Using IoTIoT
1366Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Cargo Transportation Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1367Design and Implementation of a Web Portal E-Fuel Station Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1368Design and Implementation of a Web Based Multi-vendors ecommerce SystemPHP/MYSQL
1369Design and Implementation of an Online Vehicle Sales Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1370Design and Implementation of a Mobile Bajaj Rental Management SystemANDROID
1371Design and Implementation of an Online Tourism and Travel Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1372Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Lecturer’s Evaluation Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1373Design and Implementation of an Online Staff Remuneration SystemJSP/MYSQL
1374Design and Implementation of a Web Based Bookstore with Epayment Integration SystemPHP/MYSQL
1375Design and Implementation of a Mobile Boarding School Information and Management SystemANDROID
1376Design and Implementation of a Secure Web Based Loan Approval Information and Management SystemANDROID
1377Design and Implementation of an Online Sales Management System for Somali Checking CompanyJSP/MYSQL
1378Design and Implementation of a Desktop Student Complain Management System (UNISO Student Affairs Office)C#/MSSQL
1379Design and Implementation of an Android Charity Information and Management SystemANDROID
1380Design and Implementation of a Web Based Pharmacy and Clinic Center Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1381Design and Implementation of Livestock Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1382Design and Implementation of a Web Based Discussion Forum SystemPHP/MYSQL
1383Design and Implementation of an Online Retail Purchase and Tracking SystemJSP/MYSQL
1384Design and Implementation of a Web Based Human Payroll and Task Lifecycle SystemPHP/MYSQL
1385Design and Implementation of an Android Money Management System for Expenses PlanningANDROID
1386Design and Implementation of an Android Helpdesk Information SystemANDROID
1387Design and Implementation of an Online Notes Sharing Platform SystemPHP/MYSQL
1388Design and Implementation of an Android Marriage Registration Management SystemANDROID
1389Design and Implementation of a Web Based Evaluation of Academic Performance Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1390Design and Implementation of an Android Based Football Youth Academy Management Information SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1391Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Production Scheduler Management Information SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1392Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Visa Processing and Follow-Up Management Information SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1393Design and Implementation of a Web Based Greenhouse Vegetable Crops Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1394Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Human Payroll and Task Life Cycle Management Information SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1395Design and Implementation of a Web Based Project Portfolio Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1396Design and Implementation of a Web Based Franchise Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1397Design and Implementation of an Android Based Exam Invigilation Management Information SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1398Design and Implementation of a Web Based Wedding Hall Booking & Reservation Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1399Design and Implementation of an Online Livestock Marketplace Management SystemJSP/MYSQL
1400Design and Implementation of an Online Remittance Information and Management SystemASP.NET/MSSQL
1401Design and Implementation of an Online Immigration Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1402Design and Implementation of a Web Based Traditional Herbal Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1403Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for Ice Cream Shop Management SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1404Design and Implementation of a Web Based Foam Factory Production Management SystemASP.NET/MSSQL
1405Design and Implementation of a Web Based Car Rental Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1406Design and Implementation of a Web Based Stock Management System for Business Record Keeping & TrackingJSP/MYSQL
1407Design and Implementation of a Web Based Banking Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1408Design and Implementation of an Android Based for Employee Retirement Management Information SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1409Design and Implementation of an Android Based Patient followUp Management Information SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1410Design and Implementation of an Android Based Loan Scheme Management Information SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1411Design and Implementation of a Web Based Post & Cargo Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1412Design and Implementation of an Android Based Museum Management Information System for Somali Culture & HistoryAndroid/MYSQL
1413Design and Implementation of an Android Based Fruit Shop Management Information SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1414Design and Implementation of an Android Based House Clearning Service Management SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1415Design and Implementation of a Web Based Scholarship Management Information SystemASP.NET/MSSQL
1416Design and Implementation of a Web Based Car Selling Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1417Design and Implementation of a Web Based Distributor Management Information SystemASP.NET/MSSQL
1418Design and Implementation of a Web Based FootBall Stadium Management Information SystemASP.NET/MSSQL
1419Design and Implementation of an Online Banking Service Complain Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1420Design and Implementation of an Online Payrol Management Information System for Hospitality IndustryPHP/MYSQL
1421Design and Implementation of a Web Based Census Citizenship Management Information SystemASP.NET/MSSQL
1422Design and Implementation of a Web Based Auto Spare Parts Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1423Design and Implementation of an Android Based for Employee Vacation Management Information SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1424Design and Implementation of a Web Based Print Press Management Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1425Design and Implementation of a Web Based Daily Expenses Tracking Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1426Design and Implementation of an Android Based for Football Team Management SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1427Design and Implementation of an Online Automated School Time Table Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1428Design and Implementation of an Android Based Staff Attendance Monitoring Information SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1429Design and Implementation of an Android Based Discusion Forum for Lecturer & Student SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1430Design and Implementation of an Online Contract Management Information SystemASP.NET/MSSQL
1431Design and Implementation of an Android Based Covid 19 Test Information SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1432Design and Implementation of an Online Time Management and Reservation System for E-LibraryPHP/MYSQL
1433Design and Implementation of a Web Based Noticeboard Management Information SystemJSP/MYSQL
1434Design and Implementation of a Web Based Student Discipline Management Information SystemASP.NET/MSSQL
1435Design and Implementation of an Online Appointment System for Ministry of Higher EducationPHP/MYSQL
1436Design and Implementation of a Web Based Environmental Senitation Billing Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1437Design and Implementation of an Android Based Health Consultation and Medical Subscription SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1438Design and Implementation of an Android Based Taxation Monitoring Management SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1439Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for UNISO Student Attendance SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1440Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Admission and Result Checking System for Higher EducationFlutter/MYSQL
1441Design and Implementation of an Android Based Job Search Engine Management SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1442Design and Implementation of an Online Customer Relationship Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1443Design and Implementation of an IoT Security Applied on a Smart Door Lock ApplicationIoT
1444Design and Implementation of an Online UNISO Student Alumni Information and Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1445Design and Implementation of an Android Based Account Holders Information System for Microfinance BankAndroid/MYSQL
1446Design and Implementation of an Android Based Unemployment Rate and Monitoring SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1447Design and Implementation of an Android Based Gift Shop Management SystemAndroid/MYSQL
1448Design and Implementation of a Mobile Wallet with Marchant Payment SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1449Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Booking University Sport Venues Information SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1450Design and Implementation of a Web Based Automated Examination Paper Generation SystemPHP/MYSQL
1451Design and Implementation of a Web Based Expert Diet Prescription SystemPHP/MYSQL
1452Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Wedding Dress Store Management SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1453Design and Implementation of a Web Based Child Vaccination Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1454Design and Implementation of a Mobile Based Point of Sale Management Informaiton SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1455Design and Implementation of a Web Based Employee Leave Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1456Design and Implementation of an E-Voting Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1457Design and Implementation of a Web Based Digital Library Management Information SytemPHP/MYSQL
1458Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for UNISO Faculties Sports Events Management SystemFlutter/MYSQL
1459Design and Implementation of a Web Application for Construction and Building Material Management Information SystemASP.NET/MSSQL
1460Design and Implementation of an Online Human Resource Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1461Design and Implementation a Web Based Travel and Tourism Agency Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1462Design and Implementation of an Online Waste Collection Service Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1463Design and Implementation of a Web Based Blood Bank Management Information SystemPHP/MYSQL
1464Design and Implementation of a Web Portal Laundry Management SystemPHP/MYSQL
1465Design and Implementation of a Mobile Application for Employee Attendance System with QR SCANFlutter/MYSQL